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Important! Please Read!

Posted by Admin-Wisteria on 1 Jun 2018, 12:29 am


We're having some issues with the tournament - please do not re-register your warrior if you haven't done so already. We're looking into the issue now.

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    • @Treble_da_Doggo rip me too
      Good luck Mods and Admins!

    • Shilo_Kaisin I know how you feel; I'm still up right now only because its the end of the month, and my boss is on vacation. So as he's usually up right now maintaining the servers, I'm the one doing it right now, on top of everything else I normally have to do xD;; But I've been talking with Tempest, who's very busy talking with the rest of the mods, and they're all working on figuring this out. From what he told me before he was set to "busy" probably because I Was talking to him to much... Sorry my dragon frand! D8 he said that point caps were supposed to reset, NOT the spendable points. So they're going to see what they can recover, and what they can't recover, they will make it worth our while.

    • Aw man I didn't even get a chance to spend any of my points yet :/

    • Lance-C-Bones Sorry, I'm not trying to be hostile. This was just the cherry on top of an already horrible day, so I might be snappy.

    • Wonderful...I hope things get figured out soon.

    • Shilo_Kaisin Please don't be hostel; it's a bug. It's not like they meant to do this. As always, they'll make it up to us once things are sorted out. Just have to wait and let them do their thing.

    • Hecc, I already re-registered in the panic

    • If we already re-registered are we screwed now?

    • Oh rip I already have 7 pvp battles D:

    • Those of us that already have better get our points back, there's no way theres enough time to get enough to buy everything now