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Who wants to be a STAR?!

Posted by Staff on 16 Nov 2016, 2:06 am


Thanks to the hard work of MOD-Saryumane, MOD-Carissimi, and the rest of the team (plus our wonderful busy little beta bees), I am here to announce the much needed addition of *drum roll please* Fur Idol Rules!

We are hoping that this new set of rules will keep the competition fierce but fair for all involved. So everyone keep up the hard work, get creative, and get those entries in!

New rules will go into effect December 1st

Fur Idol:

Draw or create a piece of art of your villager doing something cool, vote for the villagers you think are performing the most interesting talents, and behold the winners!


1) Artists may only enter art that they themselves have drawn or created 'from scratch'. This covers traditional, digital, and physical 3d forms of art. This may include shifties that they have created 'from scratch' that include no Furvilla base parts.

2) Artists may not enter: art created on a Furvilla base, art that has been traced or edited from another artist's piece, art that is traced from popular media (ie. meme images), photomanipulations. This also includes any art that is created on a "Pay-to-use" or "Free-to-use" base.

3) Entrants may not pay for votes. You may not bribe others for votes (ie...offering any free items for votes, offering any type of compensation for votes).

4) Entrants are limited to a total of (5) entries per contest, and may not re-enter pieces in back-to-back contests.

5) Advertising threads are allowed but are subject to all forum rules. Advertising threads may ONLY be posted by the artist entering the piece and may not be posted by anyone else. In addition, if the artist is entering multiple pieces, they are limited to making ONE thread that includes links to all their entries.

6) Signature images advertising your Fur Idol image are allowed.

7) Efforts to 'cheat' the system will not be allowed. This includes switching villagers species to put a villager in an underrepresented category in which the art will no longer match the villager, entering the same piece of art for multiple entries, and posting winning pieces more than once.

8) Entries are not required to be of the theme, but are encouraged to be.

9) ???

10) Profit.

Obviously rules 9 and 10 were just put here for a little laugh but please be sure to familiarize yourselves with the rules as you get ready to enter the next cycle of Fur Idol.

And make sure to look at the previous news post for lots of important information and large piles of fluff!

Write a comment 26

    • :0 This seems cool

    • msjanny
      That should be updated now. If not, let me know!

    • Just FYI, there is no report button on fur Idol entries. They don't really need one right now because there aren't any rules for another two weeks, so it's not a big deal, but if you rely on users, there has to be an easy way to report.

    • aaah, yes!! thank you so much for updating the rules!

    • Yes, finally!

    • I'm very pleased with these rules!

    • PROFIT

    • Hey, cool! Maybe I will try to enter now.

    • Kijame
      We also rely on users reporting entries that don't comply with the rules, so you guys helps us out with that kind of stuff as well in case we miss something.

      Good find! I'll let them know!