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User ID: #40850
Username: Fallen
Gender: Male
Last Online: 21 Jan 2022, 12:28 pm
Registered: 3 Jul 2016, 10:26 pm

Profile description

Hey, name's Ares. I'm not super active on here at the moment, but I may make a return someday. Hoping to improve my paintie skills while I'm at it.

If you would like to talk to me, PMs are always open.

Villagers 6

Comments 4

    • (I apologize for the fact my CSS broke yesterday fml. I accidentally deleted the image I was using when organizing e-e)

      Yeah dinosaurs would be fantastic and more birds (I mean, we have enough dogs and cats to make people happy for a while!) Heck I think a turtle would be cute too. But since I don't want just basic villagers it's a little irritating to be stuck with the same six costumes on the same six species. We've got loads of species now, there should be more fun combos to play with. (I want to see more Fluffy costumes, or Reaper costumes!) Hopefully they'll decided to slow it down on new species/color variants and start making a few costumes to pepper in with everything else.

    • I'd adore some more costumes for like, bats, or a crocodile or something myself 8l Even if they just released a single costume or something at a time (like how Neopets releases a few new ones every now and again for colors - same with Subeta.) Just the fact that they are slowly updating new colors for their pets makes things easier to handle.

      (I'm all for new species here - I really want a bee and a shark, but COME ON. Costumes are supposed to be one of the 'big things' so it can be kinda annoying that they've decided to focus on a different aspect of the site instead.)

    • More costume art would be great. I get why they keep doing new species and such but costumes are BORING because of how limited they are ;~;

    • Thank you for your purchase~

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