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Earning Currency

This article needs to be updated after changes in gameplay regarding:
  • disease
  • weapon durability and scrapping
  • the town hall

Earning Currency
furcoins.gif FurCoins and FurDollars furdollars.gif

Without maintaining an art, paintie, or coding shop.

By: kmcallah

Money in the world of Furvilla is undoubtedly one of the most important assets a user can own. FurCoins allow one to purchase additional villager slots and craft items, while Furdollars are used to upload a custom paintie or expand inventory or storage space. Both forms of currency may also be used to buy goods from other players, while FurDollars are highly preferred by artists for their work.

This guide aims to help one earn the currencies of Furvilla without needing to offer some kind of outside service to others, though those who succeed in that often make a lot of money.

Getting Started with Explorers

To make money, one first needs to start by having money. This may sound inane at first, but Furvilla offers a few ways to earn FurCoins when one has none.


The easiest but not always the most reliable of ways would be the Explorer Career. Explorers are necessary to get any good village on its feet and help it grow by not only collecting items, but by collecting money.

Ooh, a nickel!

While Explorers collect 5-10 FurCoins per exploring turn, money from explorers may be considered unreliable due to the fact that they are also very prone to catching an illness, which can either cut their amount of explorations per hour in half (from 20 to 10) or if they catch a severe disease, they will not be able to explore at all.

However, explorers will also always collect an item while on an outing. Most items will be exclusive to ones' village, with the exclusion of steel which is found in every village. These raw items have a value on their own, and can also be used to craft other things.

Money from Monsters

The warrior class isn't recommended for those just starting out, especially if one does not have a blacksmith. Warriors need weapons and armor to be successful, and while those are available from other player's stalls, the weapons and armor can be expensive to replace after they break a few times.

Once a village has a dedicated warrior (or a few) they are capable of collecting valuable items and FurCoins, both of which are dropped by defeated monsters. Typically rarer monsters drop rarer goods.

Poor guy only had 22FC to their name...

The money that warriors collect is small, but the items they bring back can be considered incredibly valuable. The warrior exclusive items to be noted are the tokens and coins from each village which are used to craft very expensive and highly sought-after items such as costumes. It takes a lot of tokens or coins to craft a costume however, so plan on spending a lot of time utilizing this career.

Other Careers

No other career provides a village with pure currency, so to bring in funds with them one with have to sell the items they produce.

The Animal Husbandry class, as its official summary states, is slow to profit from at first. With a lot of patience one will eventually end up with rare and rare colored animals which are worth significantly more than a common or common colored one. This class of villager can be frustrating and tedious to work with, just remember that releasing pets that one does not want is always an option, and the sell option is there too if one wants a quick buck, especially if the pet price isn't doing so well in the stalls and inventory space is needed.

Herbalists are important villagers if one is looking into having a doctor or alchemist. Both of those brew concoctions using plants from herbalists. Herbalists require seeds from explorers. Seeds take time to grow (either 30, 60, 120, or 240 minutes depending on seed rarity) so having a bit of patience or something else to do can be crucial. Plants on their own may be considered valuable by some, especially a user who is not a member of the same village. Seeds are even more valuable.

Doctors create medicines to cure sick villagers using plants provided by herbalists. Medicines are necessary for an efficient village, as when a villager gets sick their production is often cut in half or they cannot do anything at all. However, doctors start off making medicines at 5% potency, which has a 95% chance of not curing a villager's illness. It may take a few days to have a doctor master a medicine and make 100% potency ones, but all the time they are making weaker medicines, it takes money to craft. (100 FC for a non-severe illness, 250 FC for a severe illness) Doctors are now able to mix two of the same type of medicine together to combine the potency, therefore making it a bit faster to get higher potency medicines which can be sold for a bit more than the low potency meds. Despite this, the career is not recommended to earn money with in the beginning, but once a village has a bit of money to spare, feel free to start working with a doctor.

Alchemists are similar to doctors, but they do not have a potency system. Instead, their recipes are slightly more expensive to make and some are more sought-after, such as species change potions, which are exclusive to each village. An alchemist is recommended once a village has a good stockpile of plants and FurCoins, as the potions do take FC to brew.

Things built by the Construction Worker do not take any money, but instead wood. Sometimes wood can be scarce, so keep an eye on one's reserves. Wood can be found by both explorers and warriors. Construction workers build herbalist pots, animal stables, and houses. Herbalists use herbalist pots to plant more things at a time, animal stables are used to keep more animals in by the animal husbandry class, and houses are used to add villager slots. Each of these items have a durability, and the higher the construction worker's skill is, the higher durability the items they produce will have. Higher durability buildings are naturally more valuable than those with less.

Blacksmiths craft weapons and armor for warriors. They need items from explorers and warriors to do so, and crafting a new weapon takes a bit of FurCoins. Repairing a broken piece of equipment only requires steel and time. Like construction workers, blacksmiths have a skill level which increases the durability of the things they make.

Tailors and Crafters use items found by explorers and warriors to make specialty items. The crafter's items are said to be used by the blacksmith and the tailor, but are only required by the tailor. Tailors craft costumes, which while they are time consuming and expensive to make, are very profitable.

Using the Stalls

Not all items are worth the value Furvilla gives them, they're actually worth much more. When one finds themselves with items they'd like to sell to other players, their stall is there to assist.

User stalls are home to the many, many, many items that fellow Furvilla players are trying to sell. One is able to do a quick search and they are shown the items they desire. (if any are available) The stalls are like a big store where one can buy from another user and promote the player economy.

The stalls are an important part of the avid salesperson's daily business, and as such, it is important to keep up with them.

Before listing anything, always check the current stall prices.

Listing something too high or too low could be disappointing, to say the least.

Always double check the prices listed in one's own stall, as to not forget a zero or another number.

Triple check if FurCoins or FurDollars is selected.
That's a nasty mistake that can ruin a day.

The user stall can be expanded with FurCoins so that more goods can be listed, which is useful if one has a lot of things to sell, like animals. To conserve space in a small stall, try to avoid selling very cheap things. If the stall price is below or at the sell price, it would be more cost- and space-effective to sell it directly to the game.

Pricing Guide

For other users to want to buy one's items, they must be priced reasonably in their eyes. At the same time to earn a profit, items must be sold at a price which is reasonable to the seller. The prices in the stalls for items change constantly as new items are added and old prices are undercut by new vendors.

To keep up in the ever-changing player economy, one must remember to check the stalls often, especially when one's current stock is not selling or when listing a new item.

Success in selling items in the stalls relies heavily on one's ability to price their goods well, and that skill comes from being able to search and comprehend the user stalls themselves.

To access the user stalls, head to Furvilla's home page and scroll down to the navigation buttons, the second one listed under the "commerce" section leads to the user stalls:

Click on it, and the stalls will appear, topped with a search function:

Here, Black Wuffs were searched for. The search function can be confusing, as it requires one to select an item that exists in Furvilla instead of allowing absolute freedom. The item museum may be helpful for finding specific item names.

As one scrolls down, they will see the item they searched for listed for varying prices. It takes a bit of personal discretion to choose a price for one's own items. Here are some questions to ask oneself when pricing an item:

1. How much will I profit off of this if I sell it at the lowest price listed? How much would I like to profit?

2. Will I lose money listing the item at the lowest price? If so, am I willing to lose that money?

3. Is a player undercutting? If so, will their item be sold and more reasonably priced ones bought afterwards?

ex. I was listing female Black Spiders when I noticed the cheapest Black Spider was a female for 10 FC. It is not worth listing my own female spiders at 10 FC as that one will be sold very quickly and the more expensive ones (20 FC) bought later anyway.

4. Are the prices dropping/rising? (this one will take more observation over a longer period of time)

ex. Prices of rare and expensive items may fall very rapidly as more and more of those items are introduced into the system, for example male Pink Lung Dragons which are an FD emporium animal. I bought two for 23,000 FC each and a week later they are priced at 9000 FC each.

5. Is the lowest price below the sell option price? If so, would it be worth it to list at a higher price, or just to sell it out of the inventory?

ex. You will lose money if you sell at exactly the sell price listed in the inventory because of the 5% tax. If you notice an item is selling for less than the sell price, you may want to consider buying it and selling it yourself to make a few quick FC.

6. Would I like to sell this item for FurDollars instead of FurCoins? Are the current FurDollar amounts reasonable enough for another player to consider buying with FD instead of FC?

Listing Items in the Stalls

To get an item into the stall, click on an item in the inventory and click the button that says "Move to Stall" in the bottom left corner of the box that pops up.

Once this is done, the item will be available in the stall, waiting to have a price listed on it.

This is what the interface of the user stall looks like:


The first thing on the left is an image of the item being listed, and next to that is the name of it.

The first white box with a number in it (in this case, the number "1") is the amount of that item available in the stall. Animals cannot stack, so they will always just be 1.

The bigger box will have the number "0" in it when an item is first put into the stall. (here it says 10000) This is the price. This can be changed to whatever one wants as long as it is a number. Items listed with a price of 0 will not be purchasable.

The bubbles that have "FC" and "FD" allow one to select which currency the item will be sold for, FC meaning FurCoins and FD meaning FurDollars. While the FD bubble looks as if it cannot be selected, it can.

The next number (here it is 9500) is the net amount of money one will earn, after the 5% tax. Furvilla was helpful and did the math for everyone.

Finally, the red button with the white X removes the item from the stall.

Selling items in the Stalls

Fortunately, the user stalls are automated! After an item is listed, other players may view the item and purchase it if they so choose. When that happens, the seller will get a notification at the top of the page (if they do not have notifications disabled):

Clicking the "click to continue" link will bring one to their stall till and a list of everything they've sold:

Clicking the "withdraw" button will withdraw all the currency from the shop till, both FurCoins and Furdollars.

If one would like to switch getting notifications or not, be sure to click the "update" button to save one's changes.

On the far right the name of the person who purchased the item will be visible.

The number before the currency values (in this case, x1 for all the entries) are how many of each item sold.

The first amount of money is how much the item was sold for while the second amount of money is the total amount earned, the sum of everything the user bought, after the tax has been deducted.

Saving Money

Once money is earned, sometimes it is hard to hang onto. The bank is available to store money away for later use and is accessible from the inventory:

Information listed on the bank page is a user's current balance of FurCoins and FurDollars. A withdrawal option is below the balances, and below that is the ability to deposit.

Saving money can be difficult if one has a desire to buy a lot of things, but sometimes setting up a personal budget can be helpful along with storing money in the bank and perhaps forgetting about it.

Extra Information

The Forums have sections which can be used to attempt to sell items, making a shop post can be time consuming along with waiting for the customers to see it and make a post themselves. If items sold in a forum store are not also listed in the stalls, users searching for items in the stalls will not see them.

The forums do make for a good place to trade items, if one holds something valuable and wants to exchange it for something of equal value. Many players trade village exclusive items on the forums, especially animals.

Buying FurDollars is an option to those who have real life currency to spare and is arguably the quickest and easiest way to get in-game money.