Recent News
February is Here!
Posted by Owner-Aspen on 1 Feb 2025, 12:00 am
Brrr! It's February!
New FurDollar Emporium Minipets
The following three pets may be obtained from the FurDollar Emporium. They have five day breeding cool downs and are available for breeding until March 1st.
Our brand new pet this month is the Nabbler!

*Nabblers gonna' nabble!*
Re-released FurDollar Emporium Minipets
These pets are back for an encore this month and are available for breeding until March 1st.
The Mystic Noodle is here to twist and twist!

*twisty twisty*
The Shar Pup is wrinklin'.

Too long in the bath.
February Feast Minipets
This new pet set is available through this month's Feast.
The Bowowl!

Lap it up!
Serpent Festival
Currently, we plan to hold this year's Serpent Festival near the end of this month. Stay tuned to the news for updates as we have them for you.
Have an awesome February!
- The Furvilla Team
Year of the Snake!
Posted by Owner-Aspen on 28 Jan 2025, 6:10 pm
Welcome to the year of the Snake!
Please enjoy a gift from Furvilla, this pair of lucky Lunar Snakes! You will receive two pets using this code, plus a breeding potion, just in case you need to use it to obtain the pair you desire.
Enjoy your new friends, and may they help guide you into a happy and lucky year ahead.
Red Envelopes

*Danger Noodle noises?*
Villagers of the Explorer career will randomly and rarely come across these lovely Year of the Snake Red Envelopes while roaming Furvilla through February 17th, 2025.
Collecting envelopes? Don't forget to look for all previously released envelopes, as well as our new Snake envelope in the Cottage Shoppe.
Happy Lunar New Year!
- The Furvilla Team -
Account Safety
Posted by MOD-Thaleia on 7 Jan 2025, 12:03 pm
Hello everyone!
This news post is a general reminder to stay mindful and vigilant about keeping your online accounts safe. Make sure to change your passwords regularly and try not to use the same password in every place. Check on any of your inactive accounts to make sure it has not been compromised and change your passwords immediately if a data breach has happened. If you know any inactive Furvilla users feel free to remind them to check in on their Furvilla accounts to make sure everything is still secure. If you notice any suspicious behavior or activities going on make sure to alert a moderator either through filing a Report or sending a message to one directly.
That's all for now.
Have a wonderful day everyone!
☀ MOD-Thaleia ☀
January is Here!
Posted by Owner-Aspen on 1 Jan 2025, 12:00 am
Happy New Year, everyone! Let's take a peek at the monthlies.
New FurDollar Emporium Minipets
The following three pets may be obtained from the FurDollar Emporium. They have five day breeding cool downs and are available for breeding until February 1st.
Our brand new pet this month is the Windrunner Goat!

*like the wind*
Re-released FurDollar Emporium Minipets
These pets are back for an encore this month and are available for breeding until February 1st.
The Scrollie is here to help you keep your resolutions.

No one keeps their resolutions anyway.
The Phasmid is crawling into your life.

A new year begins a new cycle.
January Feast Minipets
This new pet set is available through this month's Feast.
The Puddlin!

Part of a balanced breakfast.
Pet Retired Boxes
In the past, we've released Retired Pet Boxes, which gave a chance to drop a random Furdollar Emporium pet box from the designated year. We will continue this tradition, with one change. Going forward, Retired Boxes will be released on January 1st of the following year. This means that the 2025 Retired Box will be released on January 1st, 2026. This box will be available using the same methods as previous boxes.
Be kind to each other, and make it a great year!
- The Furvilla Team
Snow Festival 2024
Posted by Owner-Aspen on 19 Dec 2024, 8:19 pm

Every year, the Snow Fairies come out of hiding to play with the residents of Tigereye Peak and help us greet the chilly winter season. We've encouraged them to travel far and wide across Furvilla, so you'll be able to celebrate with them too!

*shines brightly*
Find the Fairies!
Many types of fairies will befriend your Explorers. Some will drop festival-specific stickers, stones or other items. Others will give a boon to your villagers. You may learn about each of these fairies at the Snow Festival Hub!
As you explore, you'll encounter fairies easily at first. As you collect a lot of fairies, they will slowly become more rare. Don’t worry though, this resets every even hour, then they will become plentiful again!

Here is but a taste of the new items found in Fairies in this Year's Snow Festival!
Fairy Updates!
This year, and going forward, the Plush Fairy has a chance to drop a Snow Festival Plush Crate if you are very lucky. This crate will grant Magical and Non-Magical Plush items from past Snow Festivals.

Snuggly friends inside!
Snow Pets and The Water of Life

Let it snow!
The Snow Festival Snow Pet Fairy drops all previously released Snow Pets.

There are 23 varieties of Snow Pets to collect, available in all rarities.
By donating any Snow Pet to Rainbow Falls, (accessible from the Snow Festival Hub), you will be awarded a number of Vials of Lifewater. Alchemists may use this precious ingredient to create a special potion, the Water of Life.

Water of Life must be used from the inventory on a sterile animal in your inventory. That sterile animal will be made permanently breedable with +2 maximum breeding charges. You’ll still need to use a Revitabite Biscuit to “recharge” those charges.
The following animals refuse to drink this potion:
Snow Pets, Plantanimals, Mechanical Pets, Daily Wheel Exclusive Pets, Abada, Dark Drax, Elemental Drax, Rubble Runts, Ant Farm, 'Yote, Bard Kitsune, Mystic Kitsune, Spooky Kitsune, Festive Kitsune, Cloud Kitsune, Were-Kitsune, Sweeticorn, Feathered Serpent, Blazing Phoenix, Lesser Orchidcat, Dandy Lion Chaser, Rainbow Swan, and Battle Moos.
Water of Life Recipe, Useful Flask, and Revitabite Biscuits are permanently available in The Cottage Shoppe.
The ability to donate Snow Pets will last through January 11th. Rainbow Falls is available during each Snow Festival.
Please Note: Going forward, no new Snow Pets will be released. We have increased the amount of Vials of Lifewater that drop with each pet rarity level.
Northernmost Rim
Fight in this festival specific battleground to earn yearly exclusive items, and a lot of food! You may even encounter a fairy, as well as other holiday treats and treasures.

New items have been added to the Northernmost Rim!
Enjoy the Snow Festival and don't freeze your paws off!
- Aspen -
Snow Festival Incoming!
Posted by Owner-Aspen on 16 Dec 2024, 7:07 pm
Snow Festival incoming!
Hi everyone! We just wanted to give a quick update to let you know that this year's Tiger Eye Peak Snow Festival is set to begin this Thursday, December 19th. We will be starting sometime in the evening, depending on the weather...

Is it cold at your house? It's cold at ours.
So wash your mittens and get ready to hunt for fairies! We have a lot of new goodies for you this year, and the citizens of the Peak simply cannot wait to have you join in their frostbitten fun.
See you soon!
- The Furvilla Team -
Furvilla's 8th Annifursary!
Posted by Owner-Aspen on 7 Dec 2024, 12:00 am
Happy Eighth Annifursary of Furvilla!
This year, we have a lot of new items to release to hopefully keep you busy until the Snow Festival, happening later this month.
New Shop Stock
The item, Unicorn Stress Ball can now be purchased permanently in the Cottage Shoppe.

These very fancy new duds are available at appropriate prices permanently in The Fair Exchange.

Serving classic style!
For you quest masters out there, level 8 and above, you can now pick up Lil' Timmy's Cap and a Paper Snowflake, stocked in the Quest Shop permanently.

Only 8 shards... and a lot of quests.
Tailor Recipes
Tell your village's Tailors to dust of their old needles! Fifteen new town-centric recipes have been released in your respective supply shops. These recipes are permanent stock.

Hope you have room in your closets!
Annifursary Pet Box
We've prepared a special box, which you may purchase in the Recycle Shop for 8888 Furgems.

*rustle rustle rustle RUSTLE*
Inside, you will find one of four special pets! This box has the same drop odds as a Furdollar Emporium box. This box is purchasable through December 31st, 2024.
Free Prizes to Celebrate!
For some more goodies, be sure to redeem the following trophy link...
Thank you for playing Furvilla.
- The Furvilla Team -
December is Here!
Posted by Owner-Aspen on 1 Dec 2024, 12:00 am
Jolly December, everyone! Let's take a peek at the monthlies.
New FurDollar Emporium Minipets
The following three pets may be obtained from the FurDollar Emporium. They have five day breeding cool downs and are available for breeding until January 1st.
Our brand new pet this month is the Griffkid!

*kaw kaw*
Re-released FurDollar Emporium Minipets
These pets are back for an encore this month and are available for breeding until January 1st.
The Frogament is here to spread Holiday cheer.

Put us on your tree!
The Pirglet is bounding into your heart.

Watch out, they bite.
December Feast Minipets
This new pet set is available through this month's Feast.
The Honeybear Bee!

So sweet.
8th Annifursary
Wow, Furvilla is turning eight this month! Stay tuned for our news post on December 7th this year, for a special treat!

*rustle rustle*
Snow Festival
This year's Tiger Eye Peak Snow Festival is scheduled to start later this month. Please keep an eye on the news for more information as we draw closer!

Have a festive December!
- The Furvilla Team
Black Jade Week 2024
Posted by Owner-Aspen on 25 Nov 2024, 12:23 pm
The Furvilla Black Jade Week starts NOW, and run through December 2nd, 2024!
FD Sale and Gembound Stone Bonus
Every purchase of FD will result in a 50% extra bonus!
In addition to the FD bonus, certain bundles will award you a quantity of Black Jade Gembound Stones, which will transform any villager into a Black Jade Gembound.
We have prepared the following special bundles just for Black Jade Week.
- $4.99 -
750FD (up from 500FD)
- $9.99 -
1575FD (up from 1050FD)
- $19.99 -
3225FD (up from 2150FD)
+1 Black Jade Gembound Stone
- $49.99 -
8250FD (up from 5500FD)
+2 Black Jade Gembound Stones
- $99.99 -
17250FD (up from 11500FD)
+5 Black Jade Gembound Stones

I'm green, Da ba dee da ba di...
Furdollar Emporium Special Items
The following items will be for sale in the FurDollar Emporium through December 2nd.

The above Non-Magical plush, Magical stickers, and the Black Jade Gembound Stone will be available yearly during future Black Jade Weeks to help with your Toybox, Sticker Album, and Stone collections.
Special Explore Event
While out exploring, you will again encounter our dear panther pal, Xaender Van Buckles (but do remember, his friends call him "Buck").

Buck may share a wide variety of items with you, old and new!

Buck is so generous!
Black Jade Clothing!
Black Jade clothing may be either purchased in a gift box from the FurDollar Emporium, or purchased individually from the Fair Exchange for FC until the end of the event.

Going shopping in The Fair Exchange? You may wish to redeem this little gift from the Traveler. Even a 'yeen can be generous sometimes...

DOUBLE EXP in All Battlegrounds!
Double EXP in all battlegrounds is back for the duration of Black Jade Week! Let's show those monsters who's boss, 'kay?
Furvilla's Merch Shop + Giveaway!
We are excited to announce that we have acquired a very limited number of acrylic danglers. These danglers were sold several years ago at conventions, and our current stock is all that is left. Once they are gone, they are gone! Below is a small sample of what we have available, the rest may be seen in our merch shop here.

Perfect for a backpack, keys, or a con lanyard!
We are once again giving away physical Black Rose and Lilac Rose Gembound stickers with certain purchases from our Merch Shop.

All orders that total $20 before shipping will receive 1 Gembound sticker at random. You will also receive an in-game code for the Magic version to redeem on the site.
Due to low stock, this is the last year we will be offering this specific Black Jade Week promotion.
All orders will be shipped by December 2nd, 2024. Our shop will then go on a brief hiatus, while our shipping staff attends Midwest FurFest. It will open again on December 11th.
Thank you for your Support
Thank you for playing Furvilla, and please enjoy this special mini event!
As we make our way into uncertain times, we want to wish you and those who love happiness, peace, and safety. Enjoy the upcoming holidays and treasure what is good. <3
- The Furvilla Team -
News Flash!
Posted by Owner-Aspen on 15 Nov 2024, 10:20 pm
Hi everyone!
Here's a little update concerning events for the rest of the year!
Our upcoming Black Jade Week mini event will begin sometime during the afternoon of Monday, November 25th, and it will run through the end of day on Sunday, December 1st.
In preparation, our online shop will be taking a small break until the event begins. We have a few small trinkets we want to add to the storerooms before the annual sale!

Your pal Buck has some new prizes to discover!
Furvilla's 8th Annifursary is December 7th! Keep an eye on the news for some special event items.

The annual Tigereye Peak Snow Festival is slated to begin in mid to late December. We will provide more details as we draw closer to the event.
Finally, if you'd fancy, hop on over to our official Bluesky account! We have ceased use of our Twitter, and will no longer return to that platform.
Have a great day!
- The Furvilla Team -