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Treasure Hunt 2024

Posted by Owner-Aspen on 26 Jul 2024, 6:04 pm



I am pleased to announced the start of Oceandome's Treasure Hunt!

The Treasure Hunt starts NOW and will run until 11:59 PM on August 9th.

The Prize Shoppe(s) will open when unlocked, and will close at 11:59 PM on August 16th.

Now, read on and pay close attention!

Join Your Team
To foster the spirit of cooperation, Oceandome's own Mayor Octavia has decreed that all participants in the Hunt be organized into three teams, independent of which village you hail from.


Octavia has assigned her dear friend, Hammondae, as the Hunt's chief organizer. Hammondae will interview you each one by one to determine which team best fits your personality. What they say goes, no take backs!

Will you be a Deapsea Dreamer, a Kreeping Kraken, or a Seafaring Serpent? Only Hammondae can say.

Once you join your team, you will be assigned a ship and meet your crew. Your crew will welcome you with a special gift, and help you to embark on your adventure!

The Treasure Map
Once aboard your ship, you will be taken to the Hunt's main hub where you see part of a Treasure Map. When the event first starts, the only accessible parts of this map will be links to a Novice Battleground and Contest Isle.

Looks like we need more map!

Unlocking More of the Map
There are several additional map locations to be discovered! Each team will compete to discover the next part of the map by contributing Treasure Hunt Logbook Page to a common pool.

Please note that Treasure Hunt Logbook Pages will not keep their use beyond this year. So while you can hold on to extra pages as souvenirs, they will not give a head start in the next Treasure Hunt.

Treasure Hunt Logbook Pages are attained as loot from the Hunt's battlegrounds and as drops found by Explorers while doing regular exploring.

Any logbook pages you contribute will advance your team's progress towards unlocking the next area on the Treasure Map. Once an area is unlocked, every player will have access to that area, regardless of team affiliation.

If another team beats yours to unlocking the next area, don't fret. The progress your team made will be applied to the following area, thus giving your team a head start.

Most the areas unlocked will give you opportunities to do what this event is all about... hunting for treasure!

Your Ship and Crew
When you first join the event, you will be given a simple boat and a crew. Hover over their icons to familiarize yourself with your shipmates.

Every 2 hours, you may send your crew out to sweep the areas around your ship to hunt for treasure and other special items.

Your ship is able to be upgraded twice. Progress on upgrading your ship is made by helping to unlock the Treasure Map by contributing Treasure Hunt Logbook Pages.

With each upgrade of your ship, you will also take on an additional crew member. This means more potential treasure found with each sweep.

Furthermore, each crewmember will give alerts to such events as new map areas being discovered, the crew being ready to search for treasure, your ship being ready for upgrade, and treasure being spotted in various areas of the map.

If personal glory is what you crave, there is a leaderboard to keep track of which ship has contributed the most pages. You will also receive a special prize at the Hunt's end for successfully upgrading your boat to Tier 3, regardless of where you fall on the leaderboard.

Contest Isle
We have a new Contest this year, brought to you specially by our Seafaring Moderators! Visiting Contest Isle on your map will lead you straight to the fun.

What Treasure will you uncover?

Oodles of treasure... the ultimate goal of any treasure hunt, right?


As mentioned earlier, there are two ways to hunt for treasure:

- Sending your crew to sweep the area for treasure every 2 hours. Remember, the bigger the boat the bigger your crew, and the more treasure they will find.

- Searching unlocked areas on the map for treasure. Treasure will spawn in each area in different ways. Each area has a crew member with the ability to automatically alert you to the presence of treasure in their assigned area. So don't neglect on upgrading your boat and growing your crew!

Each team has a different pool of treasure that may be discovered by your crew with each sweep. However, your team does not effect which treasure you may discover in the areas of the treasure map.

So in the end, what do you do with your treasure?

You can convert it to Plunder Points! Plunder Points are currency which you will be able to spend on prizes at the end of the event. You may select treasure you want to convert via the link on the event page, or directly from your inventory.

NOTE! Unspent Plunder Points will not carry over to next year. However, treasure items from this year, (as well as previous years), may be converted to Plunder Points in this and future Hunts.

May your Hunt be rich with treasure!
- Fleet Admiral Aspen -

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Scheduled Downtime - July 26th - 6pm

Posted by Owner-Aspen on 26 Jul 2024, 1:03 pm


Hello everyone!

Furvilla will be entering a scheduled maintenance mode TODAY, July 26th at approximately 6pm, Furvilla Time as we upload final preparations for this year's Treasure Hunt, which will begin as soon as downtime is complete.

We expect this downtime to go very quickly as long as we don't run into any pirates while out on the high seas. Get yer life jackets on, mateys!

Thank you!

- Aspen -


Summertime News

Posted by Owner-Aspen on 12 Jul 2024, 4:42 pm


Happy Summer, Furvilla! I hope that you are keeping as cool as our hyena pal up there. I have a few small announcements and some summer goodies for you today.

Oceandome Treasure Hunt
The Treasure Hunt's chief organizer, Hammondae, would like me to inform you that this year's event is scheduled to begin on Friday, July 26th, baring any unforeseen flooding in Oceandome. (Hey, it could happen right?)

Get ready to find TREASURE!

If you are new to Furvilla, the details of this event will be explained at the beginning of the festival.

Summer Promo Crate
If you attended Anthrocon earlier this month, you may have picked up one of our promo fliers featuring the redemption code for the Furvilla Summer Promo Crate pictured below. If you didn't get the code at the con, don't fret! It is available for everyone to redeem here!

Click here to redeem yours!

This crate contains a random variety of of helpful items, please enjoy!

New Summer Shirts
The Recycling Shop has just received a stock of new summer themed shirts!


Head on over and pick some up today, for just 555 furgems each.

That's all for now, see you soon in Oceandome, friends!

- Aspen -


July Is Here!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Mat on 1 Jul 2024, 12:00 am


Happy July everyone! Look at the new 1st of the month stuff!

New Minipets

Check out the July FD Pets!


Hop to it, it’s the Dinoroo!


Say hello to an old friend! The Velvet Worm!


The Tree Kangaroo! No hopping in the trees.

FD Pets can be obtained from the FurDollar Emporium. They have five day breeding cool downs and are available for breeding until August 1st.

July Feast Minipets


It's the Loissant! Be sure to say hello!

Happy July!


June Is Here!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Mat on 1 Jun 2024, 12:00 am


Happy June everyone! It's time for the new 1st of the month stuff!

New Minipets

Check out the June FD Pets!


Ghost kitties?! So spooky, it’s the Spiricat!


Say hello to an old friend! The Sealorb!


The Snufflepup! Such snuffle, many puff!

FD Pets can be obtained from the FurDollar Emporium. They have five day breeding cool downs and are available for breeding until July 1st.

June Feast Minipets


It's the Ice Creature! Be sure to say hello!


Happy Pride Everyone! We love that you are here to spend your time celebrating with us again and hope you all have an amazing month!

Stop by the Recycling Shop to pick up your very own Pridewear as well as the Pride Pal!

Let your colors shine!

Sending out my love and support to all!


The Gala has Begun!

Posted by Mat on 25 May 2024, 7:10 pm


It’s GALA TIME! I expect you will be getting yourself ready for that... Do be sure to bring plenty of feathers, as there will be many objects available at the Gala for your perusal and purchase: stickers, rare and super rare creatures... perhaps other things, as we hosts see fit.

Go ahead and grab a fancy scarf from the link below, your active Villager will need to be wearing it to be granted entry.


Enjoy the rest of the festival and happy Gala!


Serpent Tribute 2024

Posted by Owner-Aspen on 17 May 2024, 5:22 pm


Hello everyone! I am excited to announce the beginning of our 2024 Quetzal Palace Serpent Tribute!

Please make sure you read this post thoroughly, as we have made some changes to the festival.

The festival begins now, and will run until 11:59pm on June 2nd. The Serpent will only accept offerings during this time frame.

The Gala Ball, where you may trade your serpent feathers for fabulous prizes, will open on May 25th and close on June 8th at 11:59pm.

Offerings to the Serpent
As in previous years, all of Furvilla comes together at this time to pay tribute to the Great Serpent of Quetzal Palace, both as thanks and for good luck for the upcoming year.


The Serpent provides Serpent's Feathers in exchange for the items it seeks. These feathers will be used as currency during the Gala Ball's Prize Shop when it opens next week.

The Serpent has several specific demands, which you may view on its donation page.



You will notice that the Serpent is feeling nostalgic, and is craving items from the past, as well as the new items added this year. How greedy!

To obtain items the Serpent seeks, you will be calling upon the assistance of the majority of your villagers, as most careers have something to contribute.


The contents of the starter pack are explained below, so read carefully.

Special new recipes!
The redeemable code will provide you with 11 new recipes, 2 new seed packets and some mysterious flasks.


Crafters, Alchemists, Tailors, Blacksmiths, Cooks and Doctors will craft these recipes. Each time a recipe is crafted, a basic item is guaranteed to drop. Occasionally, a rarer version of this item will drop as a bonus in addition to the base item. The Serpent will award more feathers for rarer items.

For example, here is what may potentially drop from creating a Serpent's Whipcake!

QP's Popup Shop
Want to pick up extra recipes (for a small price)? Quetzal Palace's very own QP is running a special festival shop, which may be accessed here.

QP is also selling previous year's festival recipes for the duration of the event, to help newer players maximize their tribute potential and help to complete collections.

These items are on a restock setting, so keep checking back if your favorite recipe isn't currently on the shelf.

Thank you for shopping at QP Shopkeep's!

Herbalists, get those paws dirty!
Your Herbalists may contribute some lovely flower offerings to the Serpent. Head on over to QP's Popup to purchase Seed Packets. These packets will always drop a common seed, but have a similar potential as the above recipes to drop rarer seeds.


You will only yield one plant per seed (bonuses do not apply), but your harvest will never fail.

Warriors step up!
Your Lvl 10+ Warriors may wish to help your cause by heading off to the Serpent Battlegrounds to spar with various elemental warriors and the Serpent itself! This battleground will challenge your fiercest Warriors as well as provide you with extra crafting items needed to appease the Serpent. You may also find a stray recipe here and there, if you are lucky.

Let's see whatcha' got!

Have a novice Warrior who isn't quite tough enough to take on the main battleground? Don't fret! The Serpent is offering some more gentle sparring and training in a lvl 1+ battleground, but your rewards will be far less... rewarding.

The newest recipes will drop from each of these battlegrounds rarely.

Additional Notes
This year, we've decided to discontinue the animal breeding portion of the event, which concludes our series of Cloud Pets. While we know that some look forward to the mass breeding aspect of the festival, we do have a small consolation, which will allow you to add additional daily breeding charges via a craftable potion.

Hint: If your Animal Husbandry worker feels a bit left out, tell your Warriors to be sure to collect up as many Serpent Flasks as you can during the event, in addition to earning as many feathers as you can!


Enjoy the fun, and please appease the Serpent. Its greed is immense.
- Aspen -


Scheduled Downtime - May 17th

Posted by Owner-Aspen on 14 May 2024, 9:36 pm


Hello everyone!

Furvilla will be entering a scheduled maintenance mode on Friday, May 17th at approximately 6pm, Furvilla Time as we upload final preparations for this year's Serpent Tribute, which will begin as soon as downtime is complete.

We expect this downtime to last a couple of hours. If we are ready earlier, we will start the downtime earlier, so we can begin the festival earlier.

Thank you!

- Aspen -


New Contest!

Posted by AdminAssistant on 3 May 2024, 5:04 am

Hello everyone! Some of you may have noticed the new Villager Showcase contest already, but today I want to give it a proper shoutout so everyone knows about and can participate in this new contest! Hosted by MOD-Bubo , this contest will run for 2 weeks each time and a new round will start at the end of every Villager Showcase. This means plenty of opportunities for everyone to participate!

That's all for now.

Have a wonderful day everyone!

☀ MOD-Thaleia ☀

1 comment

May Is Here!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Mat on 1 May 2024, 12:00 am


Happy May everyone! Check out the new 1st of the month stuff!

New Minipets

Check out the May FD Pets!


A small grumpy friend, it’s the Little Bo Sheep!


Say hello to an old friend! The Fuzzle Worm!


The Koala! Wanna climb some trees?.

FD Pets can be obtained from the FurDollar Emporium. They have five day breeding cool downs and are available for breeding until June 1st.

May Feast Minipets


It's the Jellicute! Be sure to say hello!

Happy May Day!