Recent News
Shamrock HUNT!
Posted by Owner-Aspen on 10 Mar 2023, 10:19 am
Warm winds are finally blowing into Furvilla, and Spring is right around the corner! To celebrate, your Explorers can participate in the Great Shamrock Hunt from now through March 31st!

Collecting shamrocks is easy! All you need to do is explore and you will find shamrocks everywhere. Collect 77 of them to craft a special Spectrum 4 Leaf Clover using a Spectrum Magic Recipe, which may be purchased in the Cottage Shoppe. This recipe can be learned by Crafters.

Your Spectrum 4 Leaf Clover may be held by a villager as a keepsake, or you can open it to try your luck at receiving one of the following items:

If you are lucky while opening your clover, you will also receive this fabulous bonus!

New to Furvilla, or wish to re-make past Shamrock Hunt items? No worries, you can always pick up older Magic Recipes from the Cottage Shoppe.
Happy Shamrock hunting, and good luck to you all!
- Aspen -
Deadly Rogues Spotted in Furvilla!
Posted by Owner-Aspen on 7 Mar 2023, 3:12 pm
EEK! Who the heck are those rough looking villagers? They look dangerous.

Wanted for Crimes.
Deadly Rogues
These ruffians are the Deadly Rogues, and are featured in the new Level 20 battleground of the same name. In this battleground, you will find various rare items, as well as equipment these dodgy critters have modified for nefarious uses!

Don't forget! Warriors must be at least level 20 to access this new battleground.
New Stock in the "Fair" Exchange
Our dear friend, the Traveler, has acquired new stock to help mix up your battles.

Reforged with love.
Um... sorry about the prices. The Traveler claims he has "hyena bills".
Festival News!
We are planning to restart village festivals at the end of this month with the return of the Serpent Tribute! We just need a little bit more time to put the final touches on the event, and are so excited to bring the celebrations back to Furvilla. The Serpent demands tribute!
Enjoy the fight!
- Aspen -
March Is Here!!!!!!!
Posted by Mat on 1 Mar 2023, 7:33 am
Happy March everyone! Let's take a look at the new 1st of the month stuff!
New Minipets
Check out the March FD Pets!
So fluffy... The Puli Pup
Say hello to an old friend! The Carat Cat!
The Firefly Lighting your way...
FD Pets can be obtained from the FurDollar Emporium. They have five day breeding cool downs and are available for breeding until April 1st.
March Feast Minipets
It's the Cookypus! Be sure to say hello!
Dress Up Time Part 15!
Posted by Mat on 9 Feb 2023, 9:01 pm

Back again! A new friend has come to town, well two of them actually...So everybody say hello to the Feral Hyena and Feast Snake! Be sure to make these new Villagers feel welcome!

Feral Hyena is now available through the use of the Feral Costume on your lovely Hyena villagers!
Feast Snake is now available through the use of the Feast Costume on your lovely Snake villagers!
February Is Here!!!!!!!
Posted by Mat on 1 Feb 2023, 8:00 am
Happy February everyone! Time to check out the new 1st of the month stuff!
New Minipets
Check out the February FD Pets!
They're just a little shellfish... The Shelling
Say hello to an old friend! The Bull Frog!
The Cabochark Bringing you a beautiful jewel!
FD Pets can be obtained from the FurDollar Emporium. They have five day breeding cool downs and are available for breeding until March 1st.
February Feast Minipets
It's the Toastin! Be sure to say hello!
Happy Shortest Month!
Year of the Rabbit!
Posted by Owner-Aspen on 18 Jan 2023, 11:55 pm
Welcome to the year of the Rabbit (a few days early)!
Please enjoy a gift from Furvilla, this pair of lucky Lunar Rabbits! You will receive two pets using this code, plus a breeding potion, just in case you need to use it to obtain the pair you desire.
Enjoy your new friends, and may they help guide you into a happy and lucky year ahead.
Red Envelopes

*More rabbit noises!*
Villagers of the Explorer career will randomly come across these lovely Year of the Rabbit Red Envelopes while roaming Furvilla through February 4th, 2023.
Collecting envelopes? Don't forget to look for all previously released envelopes, as well as our new Rabbit envelope in the Cottage Shoppe.
Happy Lunar New Year!
- Aspen -
January Is Here!!!!!!!
Posted by Mat on 1 Jan 2023, 6:58 am
Happy January everyone! Time to peek at the new 1st of the month stuff!
New Minipets
Check out the January FD Pets!
Legs! The Maned Wolf!
Say hello to an old friend! The Batpaca!
The Labrador! Bringing you a stick!
FD Pets can be obtained from the FurDollar Emporium. They have five day breeding cool downs and are available for breeding until February 1st.
January Feast Minipets
It's the Gummi Wurm! Be sure to say hello!
Happy 2023!
Birds are here!
Posted by Owner-Aspen on 9 Dec 2022, 5:18 pm
A new Villager species, Bird, has come to Furvilla!

Feathered friends!
Twelve Bird colorations have been added to the site, as well as three brand new Corvid colorations!
Be sure to see them all in the Base and Recolor List.
Creating a Bird Villager
Bird Villagers may be created in three ways; by magic plush, magic sticker, or by morphing potion. Please note that "hen" colorations have nothing to do with any set gender, and any Bird Villager can be any birdie color. ♥
Bird Morphing Potion Recipe is now available in the Recycling Shop.

To craft this recipe, you will need various items acquired through gameplay, as well as Bluebird Feathers.

Ohhhh... that's what they are for...
Bluebird Feathers are awarded by curing villagers of the Bird species in the Clinic.
Magical Plush featuring Birds are also available as prizes from the Plush Collector. The new Corvid designs are there too!

Lookit all those cuties!
New items in Shops!
Magic Bird Sticker may be found in the FD Emporium.

"I turn any Villager into a Chibi Bird like me!"
You may find a new recipe for Tailors, Little Knitted Blackbird Recipe, in the Recycling Shop.

Blackbird fly!
New bird related items are also in the Cottage Shoppe!

Feed the Birds!

The item, Little Buddy Birdie Feeder is quite special and introduces a new daily activity! You may purchase this feeder in the Cottage Shoppe.
You may equip the feeder to your Daily Streak page to attract birds of all sorts. Each day you log in, up to 10 days, you increase your chances of collecting various rarities of prizes, including these new items...

Don't worry, once your feeder is equipped, you won't lose it for missing a log-in, it will just reset to day one. There is also no limit to the amount of feeders a user may equip.
You also may be lucky enough to attract a Birdorchest! This openable's contents vary in value, ranging from certain past festival magic plushes to a fine assortment of sky rocks.

Is it worth it to open? That is up to you.
Welcome, Birds!
- Aspen -
Happy Sixth Annifursary!
Posted by Owner-Aspen on 7 Dec 2022, 1:09 pm
Happy Sixth Annifursary!
Along with the trophy and a few bits and baubles, the above link will also award you two of these adorable Annifursary Collies!

Bark bark bark bark bark bark!
The Traveler has whipped up a very special beverage for the occasion, Bubbly Blue Fruit Juice! He will be selling it in the Fair Exchange until the end of the year. It may cost a bit more than it should... but the hyena tells me it is a good deal, as it never expires!

Celebrate in style.
While digging around in the dark, deep warehouses of Furvilla, (yes, there is such a place - you don't want to go there), we found some strange Bluebird Feathers. A little birdie told me that I should distribute a few to all of you, as they may be useful quite soon.

Da ba dee!
Scheduled Downtime
The celebration doesn't stop today! We will be having a Scheduled Downtime on Friday, December 9th at 1pm Furvilla Time in order to add new site content. We anticipate this downtime to last a few hours. Please plan accordingly!
Thank you all for playing Furvilla!
- Aspen -
December is Here!!!!!!!
Posted by Mat on 1 Dec 2022, 12:36 am
Happy December everyone! Time to take a look at the new 1st of the month stuff!
New Minipets
Check out the December FD Pets!
Round little cat time! The Pallas Cat!
Say hello to an old friend! The Dunk!
The Dobhar-chu! Swimming your way!
FD Pets can be obtained from the FurDollar Emporium. They have five day breeding cool downs and are available for breeding until January 1st.
December Feast Minipets
It's the Gingerbird! Be sure to say hello!