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Viewing Sahde's Profile

User ID: #53450
Username: Sahde
Gender: Genderfluid
Last Online: 31 Oct 2017, 2:29 pm
Registered: 5 Jul 2016, 5:00 pm

Profile description

Mini-profile :
Osprey therian + Dragonkin
Aurélie | 15 | Xe/Them/She
Owns 3 cats, 2 birds and 6 snakes
Really bad at making furheads but trying to be better.

Full profile :
FurAffinity | tumblr (w/ bad art) | twitter
Hello! I'm 15, and a Pandemic Romantic (Pan+demi romantic + asexual) also i feel like i'm primarily homoromantic and heteroromantic ?? idk i'm very confused

She/Xe/They pronouns only, please! ˆˆ

I've been in the furry fandom for about a year, but i've only really drawn furry art + participated for maybe 6 months. I am Bilingual (French / English), and I have three fursonas/characters. They include Riley (see forum icon), Aurélie (Dutch AD), and Sàvu(wickerbeast).

I'd say i'm very outgoing and friendly, but I'm really shy around new people and even online. I'm autistic, depressed, anxious with PTSD and abandonment/seperation issues.

I love to stream me drawing, even tho it takes days before i ever feel like actually sitting down and drawing.

Villagers 10

Comments 3

    • your avatar is super cute! :0

    • Sorry to be a bother, but how do you change villages?

    • Thanks again! Additionally, I lvoe Aurélie's paintie!

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