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Olde Foxbury Jousting Tournament!

Posted by Admin-Mat on 26 May 2018, 2:38 pm


Minstrel says:

My goodness, it is SO exciting to bring you this event! The Jousting Tournament is always my favorite time of year, and I'm thrilled to see how each of you do.


Click the above Warrior Crest to visit the tournament grounds and sign up for the tournament!

Here's how it works: the tournament is villager vs villager and villager vs monster, so you'll get to test out your awesome builds against friends and foes alike! As you win battles, you'll be given Valor Points. You can see your Valor Points total on the tournament page.

All valor points have been wiped, and you'll now earn 5 Points per victory against monsters in PvE battles, to a maximum of 10,000 points over two weeks.

In addition, you can earn 25 Points per victory against other players in PvP and 5 Points per loss, to a maximum of 5,000 points. You'll no longer receive placement bonuses or rewards.

And don’t forget to visit the special festival-limited battlegrounds, the Golem Fields, for some cool festival related loot drops!


And now it’s time to check out all this awesome festival stuff! You can find alot of this as loot in those special battleground and in special explore events but it will all also be purchasable in the Valor Point Shop. The shop will be stocked later this afternoon by Admin-Wisteria!

The festival items will be available in the valor shop until June 9th.



There are also Enfield, for all your regal companion needs!


And these lovely birds for all your plague needs?

There is always a number of really neat folks that have come out of the woodwork for the tournament. What can I say, these exciting matches draw furs from all around the globe! You can encounter these folks when you're out exploring, and they might give you something (including magical plush toys to make yourself look exactly like them... how's that for doppelganger magic?). Why don't you try meeting them all?



And would you have a look at this dapper fellow, seems the Saggitari can now wear the Steampunk Costume!


Looks like for the duration of the event this little beauty has a higher chance of rewarding retired minipet boxes! Those pesky single Paintie Tickets have been removed as well so that sounds like a better chance for super cool things!


Quite wonderful, don't you think?


Big thanks to Mayor Minstrel for all that exciting info!

Admin note:
-We'll have some more updates for you in just over a week, so keep an eye out for that!
-The tournament event officially ends June 9, 2018. Be sure to get all PVP and PVE battles in between now and then!
-Tournament minipets have a 7 day breeding cooldown. The tournament minipet species will become infertile on July 9, 2018.

And on an unrelated note, I'd like everyone to give a nice friendly welcome to our newest Staff addition, MOD-Pseudonym!


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    • loud yelling

    • HYPE. Gotta get those plushies.