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Viewing Chaos_Azeroth13's Profile

User ID: #7338
Username: Chaos_Azeroth13
Gender: Pangender
Last Online: 28 Sep 2020, 1:13 pm
Registered: 1 Jul 2016, 3:21 pm

Villagers 12

Comments 71

    • Thank you for your business! :)

    • hahaha, well, thank you!

    • X3 big coons means hungry cats xD my grandpa used to feed the Racoons up on the back porch so now everyonce in a long time if you look out sometimes this big old fat one is sleeping on the rail xD And as long as no one goes outside he doesn't care what we do xD

    • We always did too until we moved out into more of the country. If we tried to feed strays out here we'd just end up feeding the local wild Racoons! xD

    • Aww x3 I just love cats ^^ they're my favorite pets. We have a little kitten who kinda looks like my newest villager I just bought named Navi, and a larger momma Cat named Alice who is dominant Pure white. She had two kittens who were also White because of her dominate genes ^w^ the poor little Toy poodle (white with cream ears) that I spooked earlier is technically my moms dog but I'm taking care of him, naturally xD

    • Aww, you have a cat? What kind? :)

    • I'm sure he'll forgive me again later this morning as I'm filling his food bowl xD

    • You're absolutely welcome! I'm not gonna lie, it's like 3 AM over here and when I saw that I actually squealed outloud and scared my pet poodle xD

    • yeaah honestly it was a mistake for me to even respond but... i took the bait haha.. i appreciate the comment though! i've seen you around on here and on aywas and you seem really cool!

    • that's a lotta seeds :o thanks!

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