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Viewing Azz's Profile

User ID: #7709
Username: Azz
Gender: Agender
Last Online: 1 Jan 2017, 8:09 pm
Registered: 1 Jul 2016, 3:37 pm
This user has no trophies.

Profile description

I've left for anxiety reasons. I tried to keep myself together and tell myself it wasn't that big of a deal, but I broke rules and got banned for it and that is a HUGE deal. I just can't shake the nagging feeling that all the mods hate me for what I've done. I am NOT in any way trying to blame this on the mods, it isn't their fault I was the one who broke the rules and I should have known better. They are doing a GREAT job at running this site and don't need anyone else like me to have to worry about. It's just my GAD that makes it impossible for me to function normally on this site now that I have been banned. This was the first time I've ever been banned on anything and I have not been coping well with it, but I deserve this because of what I did. I'm sorry if this seems like I'm trying to gather pity, I'm just trying to explain why I left. I'm sorry to everyone I offended with my actions and the mods who had to take time out of their lives that they will never get back to deal with me.

Villagers 4

Comments 7


    • Imoku Omg Tysm!!!!

    • your art and painties are beautiful wtf <3

    • *eagerly waiting on your shop to open to buy a paintie* -OuO-

      I want one but I'm afraid someones gonna snatch it up before I see you open!
      HAHA <3

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