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Tigereye Peak Snow Festival!!!

Posted by Staff on 15 Dec 2017, 12:03 pm


Polaria says:

Hello everyone and welcome to the second annual Snow Festival! It’s wonderful to see so many familiar faces, I’m thrilled to have all of you joining us again this year. But for all those newcomers, let me introduce myself, my name is Polaria, and I'm the mayor of Tigereye Peak. Soo...on behalf of my village and all its residents, we're excited to share this year’s Snow Festival with you! Now everyone grab some cocoa and cookies and have a seat, we have lots to talk about.


Every year the snow fairies come out of hiding play with the residents of Tigereye Peak and help us greet the chilly winter season! We've encouraged them to travel far and wide across Furvilla, so you'll be able to celebrate with them too! Each fairy has a special ability that'll bring a boon to your villagers. The abilities vary from giving you a cute holiday item to improving your village someway.

-Snow Festival Bell Fairy: Adds 10% max durability to the equipment it blesses.
-Snow Festival Plush Fairy: Will bless you with one random non-magical plush.
-Snow Festival Candy Cane Fairy: Will bless you with one magical holiday plush.
-Snow Festival Frozen Leaf Fairy: Grants 1 extra item for your next 10 Explore turns.
-Snow Festival Gingerbread Fairy: Adds 10% max durability to any structure.
-Snow Festival Feast Fairy: Will bless you with 1 special holiday food item.
-Snow Festival Hot Cocoa Fairy: Grants immunity for 30 minutes to the villager it blesses
-Snow Festival Ice Fairy: Blesses your inventory with one extra slot.
-Snow Festival Mistletoe Fairy: Blesses you with one random minipet companion (C, UC, and R)
-Snow Festival Snowflake Fairy: Adds one domestication point onto the animal it blesses.
-Snow Festival Star Fairy: Will summon a random Fairy friend, or if you’re lucky, maybe a special item.

The Candle Fairy will not be dropping this year as there is no new stock, we have instead added the Plush Fairy and Feast Fairy into the mix.

You know, all this talk of fairies has reminded me of a story... You know it was a Frozen Leaf Fairy that led the founder of Tigereye Peak to the mountain where we all reside. In the cold of the night, Samuel and his exploration party were ready to give up. But then there was a beautiful golden light, and Samuel followed it to the caves and mountain crags where we live now. Because of this, you often see Snow Festival trees topped with a golden tiger -- a tiger, because Samuel was a tiger, and golden, because of the Frozen Leaf Fairy's beautiful glow.

Fairies will befriend you while you explore. You'll encounter them easily at first, but as you collect a lot of fairies, they will slowly become more rare to encounter. But don’t you worry your pretty little heads, this resets at the top of each day, so you can start finding fairies easier again at the beginning of the next day.


Looks like some of our villagers are getting into the spirit of the holiday too! We’re very happy to debut the new Fluffy Snake, Mythic Deer, and Sorcerer Gem Raptor (image coming soon, a change log will be posted when it is added). And honestly I'd love if you would all consider bundling up in something warm, because I just can’t help but worry about all of you now that the snow's drifting from Tigereye Peak. It must be so cold in those other villages...Olde Foxbury and Quetzal Palace are used to the chilly weather, but I worry so much for you folks in Oceandome and Dragonsmaw Manor! The weather's usually so temperate down there...


There are a lot of cute outfits that are available this year as well. One of the fairies will give you one of their Magic Plushes if you ask it nicely enough then voila, a brand new look! And sweet ones, please bear in mind these Snow Festival colors will be available only during this year's event, then they will retire.


With all the snow that has been drifting down into the other villages, perhaps you'd like to make a new friend?! The Snowphoenix population has simply exploded now that the Festival has come! We'd like to invite you to take a pair with you, simply click on the link provided above. During the festival, these mythical snow birds breed quite fast, with cool-downs of only one day. However, once the year is over, they will no longer be breedable. Please keep that in mind! If you're searching for the rarer colors of these pets, please be sure to breed them out during the festival. (Snowphoenixes will be breedable until New Year’s Day)

Oh! I almost forgot, which is a surprise because I am just so excited to announce that we’ve added a new tradition this year! All of the Mayors are bringing their favorite dishes to our Snow Festival feast! You can get this wonderful holiday goodies from the Feast Fairies.


Thank you for having a cup of cocoa with me, I love having company over. And remember, all of us here at Tigereye Peak hope you enjoy the Snow Festival!

Information Recap:

-All festivities end on December 29th. Holiday plush retire and will not be re-released.

-Mini-Pets have a 1 Day Cooldown until 12:00 PM on January 1st, at which time they become unbreedable and retired.

-Fairies are obtained from the Explore career, and begin with a 20% drop rate, decreasing by 1% with every fairy found to a 1% drop rate. This resets at the beginning of the next day. Fairies will drop until December 29th.

Looks like it’s time to PARTY!

Write a comment 68


      I'm honestly really disappointed we didn't get Fluffy Bats, but oh well...

      Still time to PARTY!

    • AWWW The fluffy snake <3333!!


    • can the mistletoe fairy and festival plush fairy give limited items? im gonna assume no, but confirmation would be nice c:

    • for my sanity:
      can the plush fairy give out non-magic:
      1. SR (wicker/dad/etc)
      2. gembounds
      3. quest gembounds (beloved/terra/oceanic)
      so i can.... budget how broke i'm willing to go......

    • doragon Unfortunately there is no way we can set the gender for the pets that the code produces.

    • Christovski use them on legacy weapons to collect multiple trophies?

    • Christovski There are still plenty of old legacy items out there for the Bell Fairies to be used on :)

    • it seems that the code can drop two phoenixes of the same gender. is this intentional? because i got two males and bow i cant breed them :(