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Posted by Admin-Wisteria on 1 Jun 2018, 6:45 pm


Hey everyone, just quickly clarifying some stuff regarding the tournament, which you can find here!

Firstly, unlike the previous tournament your ranking/position has no bearing on rewards. You'll be able to claim a trophy just for showing up, which will be announced closer to the end of the festival.

Secondly, valor caps have reset; this happens automatically every two weeks as the tournament is available year round. You won't lose your accumulated points, which you can spend in the shop as per usual. The only time your available valour points will reset is once a year before the tournament festival itself. The festival stock, however, is exclusive to the event and will be replaced with other loot after its conclusion - you'll keep any unspent points.

Finally, as the two-weekly cycle has hit, you'll need to sign up again on your chosen warrior to begin to earn valour points again.

Apologies for the confusion and hopefully this clears things up a little!

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    • Thanks for clearing this up I've felt pretty confused