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Let's Get Cooking!

Posted by Staff on 11 Mar 2017, 10:11 pm


Hi all, I am super excited to be here today in this lovely new News Post! Awesome things are happening and I hope you’ll stick with me through all this info because it’s going to be worth the read, I promise!

Cooking Career

It’s been in the works for a while but we are very happy to finally be releasing a new career for your Villagers to play around with. Cooking functions very similarly in mechanics to the other recipe using careers so there shouldn’t be any big surprises there. We’re hoping this will be an easy to use and fun new addition to the current Villager career set. And I am sure you’re wondering what exactly is going to happen with all this food you’ll be making...Well just keep on reading and we’ll get to all that.

Recipes and general supplies can be found in the new cooking supply shop. And of course for those village specific recipes you will need to do a bit of exploring and battling to gather important ingredients. So when you are ready to get started head on over to the Cozy Cookery and stock up!

Furvilla Feast

For those with a more competitive nature, the first function food items will have is for the Furvilla Monthly Feast! The Feast is a eating contest that will occur every month and users across the site will be working hard to reach those coveted top 10 slots. But never fear because in the end, everyone that participates will win a prize of some kind so come on and join in the fun! Check out the link below for more information and a look at the Leader Board.

The Feast

Furvilla Food Drive

The second use of the new food items is a bit more generous in nature and all about helping out your village! Donating food to the local Food Drive will earn your village points and at the end of the month, the winning village’s occupants will earn a temporary extra worker slot for the whole next month. So get involved, help out your village, donate to keep all those extra mini pets and wandering villagers fed! Click the link below to head on over to the Food Drive.

Food Drive

General Info

-Each type of food item has a different point value.
---Soup = 2 points
---Appetizer = 4 points
---Salad = 6 points
---Entree = 8 points
---Dessert = 10 points

- Food items expire 2 weeks after they are crafted (this is to discourage hoarding and to try and keep things as fair as possible)

-Feeding your villager has no effect on anything but your eating contest score, which means choosing to not feed your villagers has no ill effects on your game play. This feature is purely for fun.

-If you live in a smaller village please don’t worry about your chances of winning in the Food Drive, scoring will be influenced by populations as well to give all villages a fair shot if they work hard.

We will be shooting to have a full Knowledge Base article up for this career soon and in the meantime the Staff is always happy to do their very best to answer any questions and listen to any concerns that you may have.

Cooking Career Chat and Q&A

I hope that everyone enjoys these new additions to the site and just has a lot of fun whipping up these delicious looking dishes!

Bon Appétit

Write a comment 59

    • I'm making a "Squeakherd's Pie" using feathers and bits of brass. Crunchy!

    • Could you clarify how the minipets are awarded?

      Are they awarded per account, or per villager that fulfills the requirements? E.g. say the thresholds are 50, 25, 10 and 'any'. Say I have one villager with 20 points and one with 35, how many minipets would I get, and which ones?

    • Having an entire career dedicated solely to a grind fest contest is pretty disappointing. Tokens are hard to farm and are expensive to buy. As people pointed out, the price of tokens has risen since cooking was added.

      Not everyone is competitive. I'm disappointed that the food and the career has no other purpose. There's so many things that could have been done with it but choosing it be only a contest based career just doesn't make all that exciting unless you're a competitive person.

      Buffs and other special effects food could have when fed as many people thought was going to be the deal would have been a good idea. Maybe certain foods could have been ingredients in new potions.

      As it stands, only the most competitive people are going to do cooking since many people were frustrated after the last competitive based thing (the serpent fest).

    • I love Razerel's idea. I would love have a way to earn permanent worker slots. There is really no pointnt to have more than 10 villagers unless you want to keep rotating them out every 24 hours.

    • yet another pet most of us will never have the chance to ever obtain? I'm honestly really getting tired of hoe stressful you guys are making this game for us. Having a friendly competition is one thing, but making a pet only available for one month and only to the top 10% is extremely unfair. Many of us cannot play 24/7, and one of the main reasons we play is to complete our menagerie and plushies. You've already made this an EXTREMELY hard task these past few months, but I thought you guys realized how bad this was last fest. The prize should be another rare pet, potions, FD, something that is still obtainable. Not a pet that will now never be achieved by MANY current players, let alone the thousands of newbies that will one day play this game.
      I'm honestly so tired of this. There is no way I'll ever complete my menagerie now. We were all already stressed enough trying to get these festival and monthly pets, but this is getting out of hand. You're upsetting a very large portion of your fan base.

    • YAY! The job we've all been waiting for!

    • "choosing to not feed your villagers has no ill effects on your game play. This feature is purely for fun." Oh thank goodness thank you

    • I was wondering how so many were already in 1000 points...Oh...All their villagers are cooks. No thanks, maybe next month when the hype dies down one cook can be enough. I rather not have to "hardcore" it personally. I'll just aim for the sr bun :u

    • These new competition sort things look good! However, if they have worker totems as prizes, I think the Fur Idol should have that kind of a thing as a prize too, the Fur Idol prizes aren't worth much these days...

    • Ah, so there's a Food Drive to reward all the people in QP... because FurVilla's "favorite child" village that is totally unbalanced above ALL other villages will likely always win. They say "scoring will be influenced by population", but it's not just population. People in other villages, because they are less profitable and/or there is less worthwhile to do, are less likely to be actively playing a lot. I predict QP will either win every time, or win most of the time.

      As for the feast, I'm glad it rewards everyone who participates, but I'll never see any of the higher prizes because there's no chance I'll ever be active enough to win. (There's not enough for an Oceandomer to do here, and I can't bare to move away from my favorite element just because QP and, to a lesser extent, TEP are both much more profitable and better villages.)

      I have, however, given the new skill a try (just to get the participation reward). I was hoping the skill would do something to sink worthless Explorer/Warrior items, but Coral definately isn't something we in the OD need to sink (because almost EVERY smithing recipe requires them, and the only normal recipe that doesn't requires Shark's Tooth items! Yeah, I know, the OD is terrible when it comes to balance. You should see our ridiculous potion requirements... And for OD's utterly useless potions, too!) The other recipe is better, but I'd rather not waste 5 Sand Dollars this month on something I won't need until next month (I doubt I'll do much cooking becase it just seems like a useless competition profession and a sink for treasure and a few specific items. It makes more sence for me to make one recipe per month to get the free bunny and save my money for useful things).

      On the plus side, the shop doesn't seem to involve the abominable mechanic of utter loathingness: restocking! So, there's that. :) And the pets (other than the sweeticorrn) are supposedly breedable, so the participation reward is, at least, something you can use (though it will be Tree-fodder if it's unsellable). So, there's some that's good in this, too...