Viewing Darling's Profile

User ID: #15556
Username: Darling
Gender: Female
Last Online: 3 Jun 2023, 6:43 pm
Registered: 1 Jul 2016, 9:43 pm
Username: Darling
Gender: Female
Last Online: 3 Jun 2023, 6:43 pm
Registered: 1 Jul 2016, 9:43 pm

Profile description
Villagers 9
Gallery 8
Classic Hedgehog (Female)
Albino Hedgehog (Male)
Comfy Hedgehog (Female)
Rainbow Hedgehog (Female)
Aurora Lights Felilidae (Female)
Chilly Felilidae (Female)
Topaz Felilidae (Female)
Flora Felilidae (Female)
Yeah I already did 3 but now I know where it is for next time! Thanks so much!
I still love it sm hhh ;w; I'm good! Same old ♡ how have you been love? <3
Eeee thankyou ily!! :'D good vibes returned~ <3 oof once again your profile is so beautiful and lovely!! ;w; ♡
AAA hi sweets!! QwQ how are you? <33
Ooh I bet it's lovely weather in Australia during Christmas!! Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to you to from England lovely, I hope you're having a wonderful day!! <33
There's no need to apologise to me lovely <3 as long as I know you're okay I'm good ♡ and thanks so much for the sweet hedgehogs!! ;w; ♡ I managed to get all the annifursary items too (after grinding and trading) and now I even have multiples. Thinking of doing a giveaway at the end of the event for people that might've missed out! Anyway, thanks for checking in <333
So if you have any annifursary items in particular you want let me know and I'll trade you it right away!! <3 I already have my favourites - the squid plushie and the galaxy phoenix! Also, I'll always take the time to talk to you pff, you're always such a pleasure to talk to and make me happy aaa <3
Amazing!! ;w; But don't complete all your goals on furvilla just yet because you might leave and I'll miss you again... TwT/
Only looking to trade any annifursary items I find. I'm hoping to collect them all! <3
Paprika is super grateful to finally have her dream minipet! ;w; ♡ he's so adorable aaaa!
You're an angel <33 and your profile is gorgeous as usual aaa!!
ee you didn't tell me you were after seeds, I'm in DMM and get lots so lemme throw them atchu til you master them all! <3 and if you need anything else anytime lmk!! I adore you too you're amazing aaaa *squeeze!*