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User ID: #198200
Username: Ravenn
Gender: Female
Last Online: 16 Jan 2021, 1:59 pm
Registered: 26 Oct 2020, 10:48 am

Profile description

Hello! Although my username is Ravenn, I typically go by Red Raven, Red, or Ra (pronounced r-A-y). My favorite animal is of course the Raven, a beautiful corvid that is also incredibly smart.
While I love the Raven, I also adore Penguins of any species, Foxes, Snakes, and other reptiles.
My favorite fantasy animal would most definitely be the majestic Dragon, in any form. Lindwurm, Wyvern, Amphitheater, Wrym, Drakes, and many others!
Be gentle with your words, I'm a socially awkward lass with a big heart.
I'm blonde, and it's a trigger for me when people make jokes about my intellect quality because I am. Things like "Well you're blonde, so it's okay," or "You're lucky you're blonde," and "You're such a blonde." I'd appreciate if you refrained from saying those things!
Another trigger is the current situations in the world, to include politics. I refuse to elaborate on presidents, elections, etc etc. While I respect those who strongly feel for those topics, I'd love it if I was not brought into conversations such as those.
My last trigger is body shaming. I have been called anorexic because of how skinny I am. People say they wished they had my body, but in all honesty, you don't. You're not as strong, you're often looked over, and it looks quite grotesque to me. But on others, they could pull it off. I eat plenty, my metabolism is just off the charts active.
!!! Warning !!!
I have ADHD! If you can't handle people who are spazzy, excitable, and louder than most, or get annoyed by those, I recommend not associating with me. Not to be rude, not to say "go away," I just find so many people who see me as clingy, annoying, and intolerable. So, in short, I am a very chaotic human being.
I am Bisexual, currently in a relationship. Our 2 year will be in January! Yay! It's long distance too, so, achievement earned?

Villagers 10

Comments 1

    • if you said i can ask for duplicates can i have the ice unicorn uwu

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