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User ID: #213757
Username: Okamidachi
Gender: Unspecified
Last Online: 17 Oct 2023, 10:09 pm
Registered: 27 Sep 2022, 12:15 pm

Profile description

Important Notice

Dissociative Identity Disorder system
! ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾RetroCore Sys☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ !

Alters who use FV

Wooper: Any pronouns (prefers feminine leaning and werewolf neopronouns), more outgoing and more likely to post, does most (if not all) of the art you see from this account, 17 years old in headspace

The body is a legal adult. Please be mindful of this. Refer to the body as she/it and by Asriel/Azzy


Residents are called WAYFOLK

Floating on a small cloud that the majestic serpent often passed by is a small town known simply as "WayTown". It is unknown why they named their town this, but the wayfolk there tend to like a peaceful, quiet life. Most wayfolk tend to be shy and reserved. It's said that this village is one of the only ones where Dorkkitz and MimiMeows can truly thrive.

Like all of the other main residences in Furvilla, WayTown has it's own mayor. Null is a rather quiet Manokit of very few words. Constantly tired of dealing with the younger wayfolk, she does her best to stay away from everyone else.

Herbalism in WayTown is simply called gardening. Our local gardener, our florist, is Gurumi. He doesn't often talk to people he doesn't know, and will often shy away if he doesn't trust someone. He'll chat up a storm if he likes you, though!

Villagers 12

Comments 2

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    • Hey man(or woman). If u havediscord or sumthin, i'd love to draw ur sona

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