Viewing Shinrai's Profile

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Trying to get rid of all my stuff on here
Commissions i'm waiting on -
Commissions i'm waiting on -
Villagers 9
Gallery 11
Clock Pieces x1
Birch Lumber x1
Meteorite x1
Ember Meteorite x1
Salt x1
Waterlogged Treasure Map 6 x1
Forgotten Elephant Tusk x1
Thank you for the plush <3
Hey stranger what's your favorite color? :D
Aaaah I just saw your comment on that"in your bedroom" thread; thank you so much!! <33
Sorry bout that, didn't realize the items deflated (I've been on a hiatus from this site for a while).. I edited my post (: if you're interested !!
Ermagherd SIAMES is the beeeest! :D
WinteryW0lf not really looking for that atm
Hiya! I saw you had an Aquaticat for trade in a Minipets thread and I was wondering if I could trade my White Snowfox for your bab?
Mixerbunny i'll sell the black pastel,but the rare is for breeding.
i also have 11 females and 6 male normal ball pythons
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