Viewing Shinrai's Profile

Profile description
Trying to get rid of all my stuff on here
Commissions i'm waiting on -
Commissions i'm waiting on -
Villagers 9
Gallery 11
Clock Pieces x1
Birch Lumber x1
Meteorite x1
Ember Meteorite x1
Salt x1
Waterlogged Treasure Map 6 x1
Forgotten Elephant Tusk x1
RedlaSunShowers029 I'm interested in the purple dumbo octopus,and the decorated english pointer
Would you be willing to trade equipment in your stall for anything in mine? Also it's nice to see you again! :3
Manitka Thanks, i missed it.
Woah your alive. Welcome back! ^^
Just accepted it,sorry i haven't been active
hey uhhhh can u send me my 200k treasure on FR. I already sent you your fc
The base lines were by misheru-san on fa and then i edited, colored, and finished it
Goji yep :3
Your FR is Shinrai, yes? :3c
Plz approve of the trade here and I'll approve of it in FR