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Viewing g0atboi's Profile

User ID: #5959
Username: g0atboi
Gender: Male
Registered: 1 Jul 2016, 2:32 pm

Profile description

-"Oh? Hello, hello welcome! I am Kifey the Soft-Scaled, an Oceandome Explorer. I have a few wares for sell, if you are interested~"

-"Well, howdy! The name's Squid, and I'm a herbalist! Kifey's mighty kind enough to let me sell my plants in his stall, so if y'all are in need of any, check out his wares!"

-"Oh uh...hi! I'm Bucky! I'm run the Animal Husbandry here, I have a few creatures i'm breedin' n tamin' right now!
Hey everyone, I'm Neo! Though you can call me Goat or Mercedes ;0

I'm just your average furryboy with a dA account

Villagers 7

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    • omg HI

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