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Viewing idol's Profile

User ID: #8215
Username: idol
Gender: Agender
Last Online: 17 Jul 2021, 3:56 pm
Registered: 1 Jul 2016, 3:54 pm

Profile description

https://pokefarm.com/user/IDOL pls

Please don't steal my Candy!!!


hi im al and i leave really vague comments on painties i love

im caught between trying to be really edgy and really pastel. please send help

talk to me! send friend requests!

im agender and i use they/them!! thankyou! im also a beeg furry.

Villagers 7

Comments 44

    • Glitters is absolutely stunning. I love the colors so much! ❤

    • Caught between edgy and Pastel eh? Easy solution: COMBINE THEM! Become Pastel edge.

      Also your painties are gorgeous aaah

    • I can't stop staring at that amazing Manokit, serious kudos <3

    • q0q oooo you're so good at making painties omgg!! keep up the amazing work!!!!

    • omggg i love your painties!! who made them omgg??

    • peaches is the nickname one of my close friends gave me and i feel a very deep connection with it now haha! ♥

    • you have the cutest painties in the world. also an amazing username!!♥

    • i didnt see ur ping bc the thread got deleted thank god but feel free to let me know what u said lmaooo

    • Ah May actually isnt a water dog, She's a containimal (species name) I just couldnt draw the container parts pfft

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