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Viewing clairebear1018's Profile

User ID: #90556
Username: clairebear1018
Gender: Female
Last Online: 26 Feb 2023, 4:21 am
Registered: 26 Mar 2017, 3:50 am

Profile description

beep boop

Villagers 11

Comments 60

    • Well, but at least you have your friend now, don't you?

    • Very good! Sorry abo the late reply. xD I forgot about Furvilla. ;0; So whatcha doin'? :o I'm playing Breath of the Wild. It's my first proper Zelda game and I'm loving it so far. :3 I'd only ever played a little bit of Ocarina of Time on an emulator before quitting 'cuz holy heck playing it on computer with a keyboard sucks. And it's awesome that you like Pokémon and Animal Crossing! :D

    • Oh that's nice! I wish I would know some people in RL who like KH

    • I poofed for a while so I didn't see that reply, but you can ping people by using an @ sign, and then their username or their user ID number. Like to ping you, I could either use @/clairebear1018 or @/90556 without the slashes. :>

    • Heya! :3 How are ya? ^^

    • Hello! Nice to meet you.

    • Of course! So what you would need to do is go to the forums and click on the group of forums you would post in! For you, it would be under "Fun and Games". Then, at the top right corner, there should be an option to create a new topic!


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