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Stay Tuned for Take 2

Posted by Staff on 24 Oct 2017, 9:40 pm

Seems we are having some technical difficulties...Apologies! Seems there is a pack of Kritties running wild and knocking things off the shelves, as cats are prone to do...We'll be back with the open shop soon!

Write a comment 77

    • open the doors stop having them be C L O S E D
      goodluck fixin' the stuff tho,,,this must be stressful as heck take ur time!!!

    • the day the shop opens is the day hell itself freezes over. what powers are at work here ? ?

    • o ... open the shop ... stop havign it be closed

    • yes kritties, g o o d

    • THUS my soul returns to my body, undoing the astral-projection effect

    • cackles at new post

    • why are you like this

    • Daraen , that word is blocked by my Optic Nerve Blocking system (?)