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Candy Cane and Candle Fairies Notice!

Posted by Staff on 10 Dec 2017, 5:13 am


Hey folks, just putting up a quick notice for those of you that may still have some Candy Cane and Candle Fairies left over from our first Tigereye Peak Snow Festival! The Candy Cane Fairy and the Candle Fairy will be getting new items for the upcoming Snow Festival so the items they currently give out will be officially retired!


If you want any of the previous TEP event plush from the Candy Cane Fairy or any of the furniture from the Candle Fairy please be sure to use those and get your items by 11:59pm Furvilla time on December 14th, the item stock will be changing for the festival on the 15th.

Thank you!

Write a comment 31

    • i suppose i'm one of the few people who really like the house decorating aspect of the site, so thanks for keeping it around and for adding new items for this upcoming holiday. c^:

    • I'm kind of disappointed to hear this. I would much rather see new "useable/openable" items appear than to retire the old items they give, but the heads up is very much appreciated!

    • The furniture ones are going?? *panics* okok, I'll get on top of my game.

    • Furniture was never my thing, but it's always interesting to see people decorating their homes! Now that I'm back I can't wait to see what new plushies the Candy Canes bring!

    • Growlithe While you're right in some parts of your post--why do you always have to type so rudely about problems on the site? Sure, the furniture isn't ideal, but someone worked hard on the pieces, no need to be rude about their work. Everytime I see your posts, they're always negative and just full of rude things to say. You can say the same thing but nicer, you know....or at least, without dissing someone's hard work.

    • meggie The fairies will stay usable, the items they drop will just be changing for the festival this year.

    • Admin-Mat will the fairies become unusable, or will they just begin dropping different items instead of the originals?

      Because I’ll open them all if they’re going to be unusable, though I had been saving mine to open over time as a pick-me-up and it would be a waste to open them all at once

    • Enra Oh! Thanks so much for the clarification!

    • Can we expect fairies to drop from the warrior career this time around?
      The fairies worked on the same RNG mechanic as the kitsunes (which ultimately failed).