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Furvilla Launches!

Posted by Mat on 7 Dec 2016, 11:54 am


WOOHOOO!!! Furvilla is launching!

After six months of beta testing, we are happy to welcome all of the furry fandom and beyond into Furvilla! To celebrate our launch, we're hosting a special referral contest with the help of Dandylions LLC, a super talented fursuit making company!

You can win a full suit, partial suit, or fursuit head by participating in our launch referral contest! Any referral you make between December 7 - December 21st is eligible toward the contest. The top three referrers will win a fursuit prize. Check out the page on the Launch Contest for more information (please note the sample fursuit is an example of what Dandylions LLC can make)!


December's Mini-Pets are now stocking in the FurDollar Emporium. These mini-pets have five breeding charges as commons and thirty day cool-down periods, so they should hold their value better! We will be swapping out the monthly mini-pets on the first of the month, meaning the next round comes out January 1st.


The Snow Festival is coming! All the villages of Furvilla will be celebrating the Snow Festival from December 14th - December 28th. During this time, you'll be able to collect items exclusive to this year's snow festival, like a new Furvilla layout skin, home decor, villager colors, plushes, costumes, special effect fairies, and more. Villagers of Tigereye Peak will also be learning a little about their village's backstory in the process!


Home decoration has come just in time for launch! If you visit your Villagers Page you'll see the option to remodel your villager's home so you can start decorating it. You can get furniture from your village's Crafting Shop and go to town with your decorations. Look forward to the Snow Festival's exclusive seasonal decorations as well!


The village mayors are getting comfortable in their new offices and are preparing to communicate with their villages for the first time! Expect each of the mayors to introduce themselves and their village, as well as their plans for the village's development in the next 1-2 days.

Here's to a fine opening!

Write a comment 76

    • I came across some artwork for FV months ago on Twitter (of all places!) and stuck a calendar reminder in my phone to check back in December. Congrats on the successful launch, looking forward to exploring :D

    • If I change villages, what happens to my house if I furnish it?

    • @Admin-Deinmaar
      Thanks for the answer. I assume there's no way to recover these breeding charges, then? Which means that cash shop pets are not intended for breeding, just collecting (since breeding them under such a system would simply be a waste of time and money)? It's good to know that beforehand (plus it means I don't need to worry about buying extras because breeding them is too nerfed to matter and collecting the other rarities is effectively impossible, unless I wanted to spend literally thousands of real dollars on one pet species, which I won't do, or want to depend on sheer dumb luck, which would be stupid). I wonder if Cash Pets will ever be released that *are* intended for breeding, though... Because I seriously prefer to get to breed the pets than to merely have a pretty pet to look at. But anything with limited charges is clearly not intended for breeding (unless the breeding percentages were drastically changed, which I tend to doubt). It's a shame because some of the higher rarity Cash Pets would have been nice to have, but oh well, that's just the way it is. (And I know it was nerfed to curb overbreeding and inflation, which were caused by the way breeding works and the insane percentages and the total lack of a meaningful despawn for Animal Husbandry cast-offs. Nevertheless, it just makes it seem like a bit of a waste to buy pets one can't effectively breed....) But they're cute, kudos to the artist(s)! If they were also useful, I'm sure I'd buy a bunch. Either way, it's good to know the answer beforehand, so thanks, even if the answer is a sad one.


    • CarbonatedMilk

      I would assume it's just a glitch in the coding. Someone probably bumped the wrong button when setting up the forums C: I highly doubt they're going to ban players from using those forums for being under 18.

    • I'm actually curious, why ban the minors from the creative and idea discussion? And why no mentions of the forum changes? 24 hours ago I could get art critique, and now I can't.

    • I was excited but now I'm just not so sure I'm afraid :/

    • Gonna go ahead and retract my previous statement about being glad the site was back together. Now minors can't voice opinions about fixing the game. Thanks! Just what I've wanted!

    • um so, were all of the forums under furry chat removed or are they just 18+ now? and if it's the latter....why?? ;~; that's not very nice....