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Scheduled Downtime - March 3rd at 8 pm

Posted by Owner-Quinn on 1 Mar 2021, 9:48 pm


Heya furriends!

We are planning a scheduled downtime for Wednesday, March 3rd, 8 PM Furvilla time.

We expect this to take a couple hours for some updates and maintenance.

Of note, this downtime will involve maintenance of the Serpent Pot's database. Any unclaimed awards will need to be claimed before downtime, or else they will be lost!

So check if you have any unfinished brews in the Serpent's Pot!

Also, in case you are wondering, the Serpent Festival is planned for late March. We will have a different downtime later this month to prepare for it.

Thank you!

-Hkr Quinn

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    • Also curious on what Capers said, I only just started to get the hang of the pot myself..

    • As an avid Serpent's Pot sciencer, I'm super stoked for this!

      Is this just changes to the UI/materials that can go in the pot, or will this affect the point value/output of existing pot items? I've been recording data on what the pot gives, so I'd like to know whether I need to start fresh after the update.