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Super Happy Fun News Post!

Posted by Staff on 15 Jun 2017, 3:13 am


This special news post is brought to you by the Super Happy Fun Crystal!

Sparkles and rainbows and puppies and kittens! It's so super happy and fun!

Hey all, it's time to have a little fun! For the next few days you'll be seeing some very cute plushie friends popping up as battleground loot so get your Warriors out there and fight those monsters!

You also might run into a couple new Explorer events if you're lucky so be on the look out for Rasui and the Wishing Well, and the new Super Happy Fun Wheel!

Have an awesome time out there everyone!

Write a comment 46

    • Is it just a specific battleground?
      I'm gonna assume it's really rare so it would be sad to spend forever looking for it, only to find out they only show up in one of the battlefields ^^

    • FUN FUN FUN!!! ^D^

    • are the plushies in any particular battleground? cheers :)

    • I'm excited!! :D

    • Super Happy Fun Wheel sounds suspicious. :o