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Viewing Transient's Profile

User ID: #110540
Username: Transient
Registered: 26 Jan 2018, 11:03 pm

Profile description

lasting only for a short time; impermanent.

Gone. Leah's plants have died due to living in a sunless garden.

Villagers 9

Comments 50

    • Yeah, I have anxiety so it's super hard for me to turn people down. And it's no problem.

    • You don't have to block them. You have the right to refuse service to anyone. No one can force you to draw something for them.

    • Sorry that you got some comments on your shop you were setting up! ;; That happened to me once a few years ago. If I had spent time to code it up nice I definitely wouldn't be happy.

    • I'm absolutely alright with that! I was kinda hoping to get a few sets of pagedolls for my beans, particularly Koa, since he appears in the forums more often now! ^^"

    • :O I just saw the Big Top Art Shop, I think I've asked for a pinglist before, but can I get on the pinglist if I'm not already...? Ahhh

    • Heya! ^^ I finished the lil sticker for Bates, you can check TH for it if you haven't already!

      And before I accept the FC, I was wondering whether you'd be willing to make it a sort of art trade instead? I really loved the little doodles you did, especially Wykin's <3

  • Comment has been hidden

    • Such a cutie! ^^ <3 I'll get started on it soon, and send an image transfer when it's finished!

    • It'd be 1.2 mil fc :3 at 1200 fd, but yes...? (I think it's a 6 digit # that you posted...? I'll gladly do a shaded halfbody sticker for 150k!)

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