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User ID: #15822
Username: Bookmite
Gender: Male
Last Online: 18 Jan 2017, 7:00 am
Registered: 1 Jul 2016, 9:58 pm

Profile description

12/23/2016 - Decided to revamp my entire profile, start from scratch. As such, things will be added little by little. For now, however, I'll just give some key points.

I'm a sculptor in various forms. I tend to work mostly with clay, although I'm currently working on a HUGE project that will probably stand over half my size. This project is taking a lot of time, and of course I'm doing little side projects here and there as well.

I'm an extreme bookworm, as you may be able to tell by my name. I'm always up for some book talk. Of course, while I love my sci-fi/fantasy genre', I'm also big into allegory books ranging anywhere from Fahrenheit 451 to Lord of the Flies and everything between, before, and after. You want to talk Poe? Shakespeare? Blake? ect... You already have my attention.

I'm former military, have been overseas, met many people, and have seen many things. Don't come to me talking about life being bad, crying because people don't 'respect' you, or any of that bs. You don't yet know hardship.(not being intentionally mean here, but the things I've seen, the things I've had to do, especially to people in order to survive... Anyone here likely can't even come close)

I will always be straitforward with anyone. I don't believe in trying to sugar-coat the truth, nor do I believe in trying to cater to people sensitivities. I actually am sorry, but there are harsh truths in the world, you have to be able to handle them.

Villagers 13

Comments 414

    • Ty... ( *´艸`)♡

    • Aaah, you're so sweet, thank you ;w; Well, if you DO ever need anything, let me know!! <3

    • Dude I srsly love you. Thank you for the gift :)

    • Hey, I wanted to ask you!! Would you mind bumping my sales thread? Apparently we're not allowed to bump our own threads more than once a day now and I don't know how else I'm gonna sell my FD >>
      If you could, that'd be great! Otherwise, don't worry about it, maybe someone will buy it eventually :'D
      Let me know if there's something I could do for you in exchange, too!

    • That's right!!

      I'll probably check out his other vids when I have some extra time, anything snarky yet educational like that makes me happy.

    • Oh my gosh, that was perfect! Exactly what I was talking about in my post... which I'm assuming you saw and then linked me the video! That was great c:

    • I don't think I have!! o: What's it about?

    • Aww thanks for the gift! <3

    • lol thats cute !

    • Thank you so much for the gift!

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