Viewing Bullydog's Profile

User ID: #26200
Username: Bullydog
Gender: Male
Last Online: 3 Mar 2019, 9:42 am
Registered: 2 Jul 2016, 1:40 pm
Username: Bullydog
Gender: Male
Last Online: 3 Mar 2019, 9:42 am
Registered: 2 Jul 2016, 1:40 pm

Profile description
My name's Bullydog, or at least it is to you.
You can find me on FA on my profile of the same name.

✦ Artist
✦ Habitual Novelist
✦ Voracious Reader
✦ Still don't know why I'm on this site but keep submitting Painties anyway.
✦ I have a couple disorders but they are none of anyone's business because I am not defined by my illnesses.
✦ I am not cisgendered but I am also not defined by my gender identity, so I don't shout it from the rooftops.
Conversing with me on forums may either be very fun or agonizingly annoying. Here are a couple reasons why:
✦ I am ridiculously candid.
✦ I have been told I have perpetual foot-in-mouth syndrome.
✦ Sarcasm doesn't come through on the internet, and neither does tone of voice.
✦ I don't like using emoticons except this one :U
✦ If I think you're full of bullhonkey I will tell you, because I don't believe in coddling people.
Many people believe this makes me a wonderful, refreshing person to be around. Some others think it makes me a couple words that mean a nasty person. Those people will never be convinced otherwise anyway so I see no point in trying.
Here's that stuff you're dying to know:
Male ✦ Bisexual ✦ Poly ✦ Basically Married
My husband is not a furry and is nowhere near this community.
Bully out.
css by RadioactiveAcid
i just wanted to say, the bunny in your forum signature is absolutely precious!
I may not always agree with what you post, hell, I know many folks don't agree with what I post, but I just needed to say that I fully agree with what you said on the 'shitty painties' thread and I'm sorry you got so ambushed, as did I later, but really, what you said was 1000% needed
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ur panties are adorable jsyk
Huh, I didn't know that
Adorable artwork, just sayin ~ <3
Your* do excuse my bad English
You're painties are amazing I adore them
And I love your personality. The world needs more people like you.
I absolutely adore your style. Can't wait to see more work from you!