Viewing Bob's Profile

User ID: #3176
Username: Bob
Gender: Female
Last Online: 26 Sep 2019, 11:01 am
Registered: 1 Jul 2016, 12:56 pm
Username: Bob
Gender: Female
Last Online: 26 Sep 2019, 11:01 am
Registered: 1 Jul 2016, 12:56 pm

Profile description
hiya! i'm bob, but you can call me ells.
you may know me from chicken smoothie, i'm Similar Smoothie there, or you may see me on flight rising, Geckoe over there!
Tigereye Peak -> Olde Foxbury -> Oceandome hellll yeahhhh -> DRAGONSMAW!!
can you darken your forum text? i can't read it
Thank you very much :)
that villager was a stormy moth called general cryptor, then i made them a leodon and they were briefly called 'borg security nindroid' but then it quickly became zane
That's perfectly fine! Thank you! c:
No worries. Just PM me with your FR username when you're ready.
I'd be willing to buy 100 map frags for 200g :3
Ah no problem! I'm always in need of frags. I'm sorry I didn't respond to your ping. The prices on the frags has been fluctuating so I made a general post saying I was going to hold off on selling anymore for FR stuff. Probably should have pinged people XD
* for phone hold your finger/ stylus down on the image and a prompt should pop up and you can download the image..