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Viewing Hawks's Profile

User ID: #74360
Username: Hawks
Gender: Male
Registered: 9 Dec 2016, 11:04 pm

Profile description

Villagers 22

Comments 76

    • hands down best username 10/10

    • umm I think it's this?
      .villagers-list li:hover {animation: shake 1s infinite linear}
      but i'm not sure cause It's a premade user page XD

    • I did thanks Zippy!

    • The sign-up thread should have all taken characters, so anyone I've listed as open or an OC can be used! If you need to find the thread, rifle through my created threads (would post link but I'm on mobile and it's being a butt right now)

    • .content {
      background-image:url(" ");

      border-radius: 0 0 15px 15px;

      Here you go! Just put in a url for a picture between the quotation marks and that should do it! (I really like how your profile is coming along so far, wowie :O)

    • Would you be interested in Green Frogs or frosted tokens? ^^

    • OH nevermind. I clicked everything and found where

    • Used the Fox Furvilla Base. I forgot how to edit about me so I can't say I used the base :<

    • alright sending 7 if you want more let me know! :)

    • i don't have FD atm but i could trade FR gems for some on one of the threads or if you have an account i could send them to you and you could?

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