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Viewing WinteryW0lf's Profile

User ID: #89918
Username: WinteryW0lf
Gender: Male
Registered: 16 Mar 2017, 4:13 pm

Profile description

About Me
From Oceandome, visiting OFB


I do block freely, sorry :(

Any Seeds!
Stones I don't have (preferable stones of Legend or Spooky Night!)
NPC Valentines
Seed Packets!

Villagers 17

Comments 86

    • I wish I could, but that's much to low under the current prices >__<

    • i might be misunderstanding you, but lavender was a custom paintie done for gerbilfluff so i would not be willing to do a recolor of it.
      A recolor on the corvid base is either $6 or $10, depending on how complex the patterns you want are.
      If you want base edits (as in an added plague doctor mask) then pricing would be around $15.
      more pricing info can be found in my paintie thread!

    • uhhhh a premade paintie? if i dont have any in my thread then i dont have any available, no.
      i am open for customs though!

    • Sorry to disappoint, but Lavender's definitely not for sale. Thanks for the interest, though! :3

    • Sorry for the late reply! the anime in the signature is from dragonball super! ^^ its very fun to watch, its ending soon though... ;/

    • I'm so glad you got it!! Congrats!!!

  • Comment has been hidden

    • aaa <3 I plan on making them all chibis and getting them painties. We love our kings owo

    • If you're not into animal husbandry-- then buy, before this event usually people would buy anything and everything in the stalls >u>' which is what I did, heh. The event to get serpents feathers in the explorers job is actually pretty common so 0: you can get about 3-8 with 10 explorers! (It seems anyways)

    • Scavenge/Scour as much as possible, and trade-in any animals; I just got lucky honestly! <3

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