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Scheduled Downtime - Oct 18 at 11pm

Posted by Owner-Aspen on 17 Oct 2019, 11:57 pm


Hi everyone!

This is just a little note to let you know we will be going offline at 11pm Furvilla time on Friday, October 18th so that we may test the functionality of the Dragonsmaw Manor Harvest Carnival. Once this testing is complete and all is well, we will announce which day we plan to start the festivities!

Thank you, please plan accordingly!
- Aspen -

Write a comment 8

    • Awesome I'm looking forward to it so much!

    • Oh, so NOW you do it? Mhm...

      Also, today's the Halloween dance at my school! :D

    • its our time now hehehe

    • How funny i've been out for work stuff since the last announced downtime and just popped in to see this! How exciting! My favorite event!

    • Aaa! I'm so excited!

    • Yes. I'm excited. my favorite event.

    • Awesome! Best of luck on the testing! :D

    • Thanks for the heads up! Everyone is looking forward to the DMM fest so I'm sure this is gonna get people excited!