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New Poll!

Posted by Staff on 17 Dec 2017, 1:48 am


We're currently trying to decide what item will replace the Gembound Plush in the monthly birthday gifts in 2018 so we'd love to get your input! Click the link below to vote!

User B-Day Item Poll!

Get those votes in!

Write a comment 41

    • I love the birthstone gem raptor idea, as well as the zodiac. But I greatly dislike the idea of adding more birthday exclusive plushes or minipets. It makes completing those collections near impossible, as they are only released for a year, and in such limited amounts.

      How about a birthstone gem raptor paintie or a zodiac vista?

      Also, another idea if going the birthstone route: many months have more than one birthstone. Mine (June) has three. It would be neat if each player could choose which of their birthstones they wanted represented. (Admittedly, I'm suggesting this because I adore moonstone, yet never see it used as a birthstone. Lol But I'm sure I'm not the only one who might prefer the lesser used of their month's birthstone to the widely used one.)

      All that said, I would like to see something like that only if it were for non-plush/pet items. Otherwise, it would just make it even more difficult to complete collections than releasing a single one for each month.

    • I'd be inclined to keep the gembound plushes as the gift for collection purposes. As it is there are so few in circulation that it's very difficult/incredibly expensive to attempt to collect all 12. Then you have the people who joined after their birthday or didn't know about the birthday gifts and didn't log in and missed out on their month's gembound.
      Regardless if it does get changed, please don't make it minipets. There are so many new minipets for every month (feast and FDE) and for every event... Making a birthday month exclusive minipet to collect is excessive imo.

    • I really love the zodiac idea personally.

    • I have been waiting for my birthday to come (May) so I could get a gembound. I would like to vote we don't change it.

    • I never received a gembound plush on my birthday (August), is there a way to vote not to change it?

    • What ever it goes to could it be passed of astrological signs? like a pisces trophy, or a capricorn plush, or virgo mini pet etc.

    • can i vote to KEEP the gemboud plushies? o3o"

    • Too bad we can't get a Magical Sweeticorn on our birthdays. I noticed their was no other caterory to write something in.

    • wait what? you get gifts on your birthday? i didn't know of this, my birthday just recently passed. rip