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Let's Do Words!

Posted by Admin-Mat on 9 Oct 2018, 4:39 pm


I come bearing good news! While it is unfortunate that the site’s chat feature has been less than functional for a while now, we’ve come up with a solution, something to try out while we wait for repairs (which could in all honesty take quite a while longer).

Below you will find a link to join the Official Furvilla Discord! This new chat will serve as our “on site” chat for the foreseeable future and should be treated as if you are chatting on Furvilla itself. All of the normal Furvilla site rules will apply, and with them, the normal warnings and infractions. So please be mindful to read the rules when you enter and don’t be afraid to say hello and chat with the Staff, we’re all hoping to have a nice, active site chat again!


And please be advised that Furvilla will have about an hour of downtime on the 13th for some routine database work!

Looking forward to chatting with you all!

Write a comment 36

    • Grandeeney Make sure you're typing it like a command. Example: !command

    • i cant get in, im thinking the password is the same as what people are putting down but nothing is working.

    • anne216 Use and exclamation point before the password with no spaces or brackets, so it should look like this !password It was driving me crazy too.

    • this is a good idea and i've honestly wished there was an official fv discord for a while now. i've never had any interest in joining a user-run offsite chat due to how clique-y things can be and i've never had any interest in using furvilla's native chat client bc that's not how i roll. with this at least i can count on staff to keep things from getting ugly and i already always use discord on a daily basis so now i'm more likely to check in on furvilla-related discussion. besides it's not like they're demanding ppl shutdown unofficial furvilla discord servers so i don't see the problem there? we could like maybe give things a shot and see how it goes before we decide it's a horrible idea idk.

    • Lots of official servers give infractions if you act up in their discord server, I literally see no issue. I can think of like, 2 other pet sites with "strict discords" even yet no one complains about it there. It's linked to the site, of course it needs the same rules. It can't be unruly, that'd be...not very professional.

    • Ehhmmm, like others have said... I don't think this is a good idea. I don't agree with receiving infractions on here from another place. Not that I would plan to go against any rules in the first place, but still. I guess I'm going to pass until the on-site chat gets reworked.

      Also, just a thought: couldn't someone claim to be someone else to avoid infractions? All they'd have to do is provide an actual FV username, like an inactive one. There's no way to prove or disprove it, unless the person who owns the username returns and comes forward to set things straight. Eh I'm not sure if that made sense, it's late and I'm tired XD. I think mean that I don't think this can really be moderated... properly or efficiently.

    • Well, Honestly, the discord is a great idea. Why not just remove the chat feature period? I mean, I don't recall it being used much, even when it was functioning. At least with the discord server, those that want to use a chat for FV can now have one. Not to mention, Discord's pretty awesome with what the chats can do.

    • Malibu Because people have been asking for an official FV discord for a long time. Not to mention this will be moderated by actual FV staff, so people can trust things will be handled fairly, not having to worry about bias or who's friends with who. Also the official FV discord is approaching 200 users already, not even 24 hours after it was opened, so it's probably going to be more active than any unofficial one. As for the site chat being fixed, I'm pretty sure FV only has one coder right now. They're probably occupied with re-coding the entire DMM event, after how disastrous last year's was, which honestly I'd prefer them fix the event before fixing chat.

    • There's already FV discord servers. Ones where you don't get infractions if you say the wrong thing. What reason do people have to use this one? I think it would have been better to just wait until the site chat is fixed, assuming the discord doesn't become a permanent solution because the admins feel there's no longer a reason to fix things.

    • MOD-Piko Thanks and I tried some different way's again but it still doesn't work I'm thinking of giving up!!!!