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Let's Do Words!

Posted by Admin-Mat on 9 Oct 2018, 4:39 pm


I come bearing good news! While it is unfortunate that the site’s chat feature has been less than functional for a while now, we’ve come up with a solution, something to try out while we wait for repairs (which could in all honesty take quite a while longer).

Below you will find a link to join the Official Furvilla Discord! This new chat will serve as our “on site” chat for the foreseeable future and should be treated as if you are chatting on Furvilla itself. All of the normal Furvilla site rules will apply, and with them, the normal warnings and infractions. So please be mindful to read the rules when you enter and don’t be afraid to say hello and chat with the Staff, we’re all hoping to have a nice, active site chat again!


And please be advised that Furvilla will have about an hour of downtime on the 13th for some routine database work!

Looking forward to chatting with you all!

Write a comment 36

    • What should you never forget?
      This is a toughy!

    • Instructions unclear... maybe I'm just stupid?

    • release the dmm event blease

    • not sure an official fv discord is quite the way to go about this...

    • I'm super wary of this, all things considered.