Viewing Dreki's Profile

User ID: #64686
Username: Dreki
Gender: Male
Last Online: 20 Jan 2020, 10:01 am
Registered: 7 Jul 2016, 3:58 pm
Username: Dreki
Gender: Male
Last Online: 20 Jan 2020, 10:01 am
Registered: 7 Jul 2016, 3:58 pm

Profile description
Welcome! You get to watch me flop around the site uselessly trying to figure out how to thing.

please don't feel offended if I reject your friend request - I typically don't accept requests from people I don't know. thanks!
big thanks to Dubstep for fueling my acorn supply.
Important note: If I buy something from you please do not leave me a thank-you comment! If it's that important to you and you have to thank me, send me a message. Thanks!
He/They - 27 - EST
to do:
More Acorns!!!
Painties to Sell?
Villager slot for Hunter & Rory
Painties for Hunter & Rory
Paintie for Morgan
100 Acorns
Chibi Croc Sticker
Rainbow Sparkle Rhinacorn
I'll write more stuff here as it comes to me. There might be some art here at one point. Please note that I have profile CSS turned off!
profile code by alxq , minor edits with the help of MOD-Thaleia and msjanny .
You can find the source here!

posted in the FV discord by MOD-Thaleia on 11/09/18
please don't feel offended if I reject your friend request - I typically don't accept requests from people I don't know. thanks!
big thanks to Dubstep for fueling my acorn supply.
Important note: If I buy something from you please do not leave me a thank-you comment! If it's that important to you and you have to thank me, send me a message. Thanks!
He/They - 27 - EST
to do:
More Acorns!!!
Painties to Sell?
Villager slot for Hunter & Rory
Painties for Hunter & Rory
Paintie for Morgan
100 Acorns
Chibi Croc Sticker
Rainbow Sparkle Rhinacorn
I'll write more stuff here as it comes to me. There might be some art here at one point. Please note that I have profile CSS turned off!
profile code by alxq , minor edits with the help of MOD-Thaleia and msjanny .
You can find the source here!
Villagers 53
Gallery 26
Gem Raptor Morphing Potion x149
Tanned Tunic (146%)
Quality Acorn Plushie x121
Expired Dreki's Favorite Bananny Candy
Coyote Alebrije x1
Expired Hand Sandwich
Ram Alebrije x1
Snake Oil x1
hey so I totally don't remember why we have a pending trade with a bunch of medicine, but what do you want for them? 'cause I am looking for more meds.
thank you!!! V deserves it
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Tbh me too! Ive been looking for one i could afford for so long, im super happy i got one of the chibis! Theyre like one of the cutest closed species ive ever seen. Sorry for asking (im super tired and feel super rude ;-; ), but thanks anyways! <3
hey there... *lowers sunglasses* if you ever want to...sell that ringbearer, you know where to find me ;) (SORRY i just really love that ringbearer you bought LOL if you ever want to sell them i will literally give you my soul, but i totally understand if not and im super sorry if this is rude!!)
:O you have so many gem raptor potions! lol thats awesome. we must form an alliance, together we shall defeat the evil menace of...celery or something
aaaa thank you! you're a doll <3
hey I’m sorry to bother you but do you know if Haikatts were an open or closed species? I really want to get a daffodil but with the original thread gone and the creator inactive there’s not much information floating around ;v;
Eeeee thank!! OvO