New Explore Event!
Posted by Owner-Aspen on 19 Oct 2022, 3:20 pm
Hi everyone!
I heard a rumor that part of the forests surrounding Furvilla have an abnormal amount of soot in them lately...
*cough, cough*
Villagers of the Explorer career have a chance to encounter this new permanent event while exploring in any village, so be on the lookout!
It looks difficult to see in there, be careful.
- Aspen -
Ooh, can’t wait to get this!
The artwork is so ethereal and beautiful!
It would be cool if you didn't end up with nothing the majority of the time, but... the pictures are nice to look at. X]
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...that's not an Explore event, that's my neighborhood right now!
Explore and warrior are the careers I'm always happy to see updates to.
Oh awesome! :D
Ohh cool oWo
Need to do more exploring then OwO
Ohhh... this looks interesting. Although I've had quite enough of wildfires =p