Viewing Brittdub's Profile

User ID: #114234
Username: Brittdub
Last Online: 27 Oct 2024, 1:28 pm
Registered: 19 Apr 2018, 2:10 pm
Username: Brittdub
Last Online: 27 Oct 2024, 1:28 pm
Registered: 19 Apr 2018, 2:10 pm

Profile description
Wip i wanna redo
Villagers 21
Gallery 11
Alkahest x7
Expired Cat Loaf
Expired Cat Loaf
Expired Cat Loaf
Expired Cat Loaf
Poison Skull x6
Cloud Skull x62
Reclaimed Skull x1
Hey! Are you still doing those cute little pixel chibi gifs? :)
Thank you for your help and the gift! :D
Saw your recent post in PYCT and wanted to give some advice in case you don't know about it! I commonly get my buckeye SR pets from the serpents pot by using a full pot (49 items) of Sky Rocks (QP battle drop) or Super Sky Rocks (Legacy Grounds Battle Drop), or a mix of the two. The pot loves sky rocks lol
Letting you know it works for me to move villages! Try a hard refresh by pressing Ctrl+F5 and if it still doesnt work I would file a ticket and include what browser you are using in the notes!
Thank you very much for the Kritty! :]
Ugh, yeah, shipping huh...
I've never worn knit socks before, but the concept of them sound nice-
Oof, socks... I have to adjust them just right so the toe seam is over my toes to where nothing rubs too violently, like blister violently-
I'm very particular about how I wear them...
I don't know if anyone else does this, lol.
I usually don't like long sleeved shirts too, tbh, exceptions are the ones that look ok and like sweatshirts and things I can wear over my other clothes. I plan on wearing the stripey one I got today under like a Tshirt or something.
its alright! dont worry about the hair too much <3, and i did take note you'd put it in th!