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Viewing Zjero's Profile

User ID: #67921
Username: Zjero
Registered: 7 Dec 2016, 12:16 pm

Profile description


Zjero [zee-eh-row] | adult
Hi! Nice to meet you ^^
Dragonsmaw Manor native. Lover of all scary and spooky things. But I don't bite! ^_^

Game goals:
+ have Painties for all my active Villagers (5/11 complete)
+ each active Villager has at least one Feast trophy (complete! July 2021)
+ get a Gold Feast Trophy (complete! Jan 2021 Feast)
+ complete the Toybox (missing plushies below)
+ complete the Button Book (complete! 28.04.2022)
+ win the Lottery (complete! 01.01.2021)
+ complete the Stone Collection (complete! 29.11.2022)
+ craft the Unicorn Lance (complete! 19.08.2023)



Full wishlist

Trading crystals

Buckeye Leaves - 270 / 500


I also collect any Halloween items <3

Villagers 47

Comments 215

    • Thanks for the fuzzy sunflower worm! It's super adorable nwn

    • oh yea sure!
      thats rlly weird its not working @.@

    • All good XD I've done that before!

    • I'm glad I could help.

    • No worries I didn't even notice x'D

    • You're welcome!

    • R8VN My pleasure! :3c

    • thanks for the plushess :D

    • never mind, someone just donated it to me!! sorry </3

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