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FGNN: Serpent Update

Posted by Staff on 15 Feb 2017, 9:57 pm


Oh...is this one of my feathers? Oh wait! This is one of the Serpent's feathers?! Oh goodness! The Serpent is losing feathers at a much increased rate! How wonderful for all of you feather collectors! Just remember that in order to get that golden trophy, you're going to need 50 of them. And mind that they are the Serpent's feathers and not mine...poor vain molting bird that I am. Stress you know...trying to keep up with all the events in this event have this poor anchorman losing feathers as well! But I'm sure we'll all enjoy the rest of this event and everything will go smoothly soon, in time for the big Gala!

*Feathers now have a 25% drop rate when you turn in pets to the Serpent.*


Also, all of my fine feathered, furred, or scaled friends, this change comes with another additional stage. The items that you are so eagerly awaiting, they will not be priced until the 21st, and that pricing is going to be determined by the feather ratio. So the more you pluck those feathers from the floor, the more those items are going to cost. Keep that in mind as you continue your feather hunting! I know we're all looking forward to seeing all of you dress your best for the Gala!

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    • SeaEscapologist
      That pic was a link? There was no mentioning that it was so. Why would it be hidden like that?
      What do I do though? I tried offering something but nothing happened. This event is very confusing.

    • OH SHI wait you can go back and retry your luck on everything you've turned in, hallelujah. Not that i gained much out of it but still better than nothing.

    • i...guess i should have waited on turning in all of my pets at the beginning :\

    • @Admin-Deinmaar

      You said that the prices are going to be determined by total feathers distributed -- what about the people that end up with the majority of those feathers? There are a lot of people that still only have a few feathers, whereas there are people (claiming) to already have almost if not more than 100 feathers.
      There are going to be users with a MASSIVE advantage based on the way things are apparently working now.
      Some people might not even be able to buy anything because of how the prices are going to be determined.

      I know it's impossible to make everyone happy, but there still seems to be masses of people unhappy.
      And with the way things seem to keep progressing, one thing gets fixed while another gets broken.
      Casual and new players are already giving up because of how the functionality is, they can barely get feathers because they can barely get anything being new or casually playing. They're only going to end up having 10-20 feathers if they're lucky, where as established players are going to have a massive advantage and are potentially going to have hundreds of feathers.
      The prices aren't going to be fair -- they're either going to be way over priced for some people to the point they won't even be able to get but maybe one thing, but for others they're barely going to make a dent in their feather supply and they'll be able to hoard lots of things from the Gala and then sell them at way over priced in the user stalls or forums, trying to take advantage of the fact that they know/knew people weren't going to have enough feathers to buy what they really wanted.

      It's still unfair to a lot of people at this point, and isn't very forward thinking still. It seems like a lot of things just aren't even thought of, like the situation I explained (which is where it appears to be standing).

    • I still don't know how to even do this. Where do we turn in pets?
      Nothing about this event is explained. Can someone help me?

    • Celestial_Witch
      It is all still things we take into consideration moving forward. We may be out of Beta, but this is still a progress driven site. Getting any feedback changes made to try and make it better is progress in itself. I get the people are still unhappy, but it's impossible to make EVERYONE happy, and that's the frustrating part. It's either going to be too hard, or too easy, or unfair to someone. I would love to see the entire userbase happy, but I've never seen a pet site/similar sites with 100% user happiness. We can only try to do our best, especially in this first year.

    • Thank you guys so much for hearing the players' concerns and upping the feather rate. It's nice to know that you're really taking feedback. Though I must say that I'm disappointed with the way many players went about giving that feedback. It -is- possible to give constructive criticism without being borderline verbally abusive.

      I too feel that there were a lot of oversights for this festival. But I always remember to consider the fact that this site is still in its baby stage. Hopefully all this feedback will be compiled and discussed extensively, then the festival for next year will be better!

      Overall though, I'm having fun collecting pets and giving them to the serpent. :) Can't wait to see how many feathers I manage to get before the gala!

    • @Admin-Deinmaar
      People are still upset though. I know you're trying, but I think it still shows how poorly executed the event was. People are still unhappy.
      I know you're trying.

      And that is not stated anywhere in the above information, so it's not clear that you can do that.

    • This announcement probably ought to have included directions for people to go back to the log and retry missed feathers. That info is only in the change log and a lot of people don't read the change log...

      Just sayin'.