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FGNN: Serpent Update

Posted by Staff on 15 Feb 2017, 9:57 pm


Oh...is this one of my feathers? Oh wait! This is one of the Serpent's feathers?! Oh goodness! The Serpent is losing feathers at a much increased rate! How wonderful for all of you feather collectors! Just remember that in order to get that golden trophy, you're going to need 50 of them. And mind that they are the Serpent's feathers and not mine...poor vain molting bird that I am. Stress you know...trying to keep up with all the events in this event have this poor anchorman losing feathers as well! But I'm sure we'll all enjoy the rest of this event and everything will go smoothly soon, in time for the big Gala!

*Feathers now have a 25% drop rate when you turn in pets to the Serpent.*


Also, all of my fine feathered, furred, or scaled friends, this change comes with another additional stage. The items that you are so eagerly awaiting, they will not be priced until the 21st, and that pricing is going to be determined by the feather ratio. So the more you pluck those feathers from the floor, the more those items are going to cost. Keep that in mind as you continue your feather hunting! I know we're all looking forward to seeing all of you dress your best for the Gala!

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    • Lance-C-Bones

      Bahahaha, I knew there was something a bit off about my thoughts. It's so late here for me and I've had a long day. The things didn't add up in my mind, but I posted anyways :P But thanks for letting me now!

    • ALSO I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who saw that massive image lol

    • Ookamiotoko Depends on how you look at it. This means that it's now easier to get feathers. Easier to get feathers means more being created for a larger total count. A larger total count means that the prices of the items we're after is also going to go up. So the less feathers we find before the Gala event starts, the lower the prices will be. The more feathers we find, the higher the prices will be.

    • Wait we're now being punished for working our butts off getting feathers?...Not sure if I want to keep getting more now...I'm at 60 rn...I was doing fine with out the upped chances. I was excited at first now I'm not really??? Is this for individual users or everyone combined??

    • How do you gt feathers though?

    • suggesting anybody has survived plucking a feather from the serpent - who'd be mad enough? lol

      glad youve listened though, shame the previous shambles will remain, well, a mess, but this is a new site and the first festival. we've all learned something for next time!

    • Are you guys going to run the numbers and pull the averages from what accounts generally generate as a whole, or? I'm not sure if I feel comfortable with the idea that the handful of outlier users who amass huge amounts of feathers skewing the average player total, if that makes sense.

    • 7MDzxJT.jpg

    • blesssSSS

    • A total amount of feathers collected would be nice on the Serpent's Page. Even if you don't publish the ratio, we'll at least have an idea of what's going to happen.