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User ID: #135872
Username: thisperson10
Gender: Female/Something
Registered: 5 Jun 2019, 1:55 pm

Profile description

Hello! My name is Lydia, but you can call me Person, This, 10, Lyd, or Lid, it doesn't matter to me which you pick. I try to be as nice as possible, but I'm a passionate person, and I might seem a bit unapproachable at times. I'm always willing to help, so don't be afraid to ask me for some!

From time to time I tend to get in a depressed mood, so please be patient with me. It's most likely just me trying to vent, since I don't think of myself very highly.

I tend to get obsessed with certain topics, and these obsessions can last from months to years (my longest was this god-awful story on a planet called Terra, which was a mash of a bunch of IP's and the bad writing skills of a 10-13 year old). Some of my fixations have been (get ready, this is a long list):

~Terraria (alongside the Calamity mod and others)
~Mega Man
~Warrior Cats
~Dark Souls
~Gravity Falls
~Star Trek: Voyager
~Hotline Miami
~Mother Russia Bleeds
~Wings of Fire
~Five Nights at Freddy's (and some of it's fangames, mostly ONaF, and even some of the spinoffs like Freddy in Space 2 and FNaF World)
~Zuma's Revenge (kind of.... when I was like 8 or something)
~Family Guy
~Super Smash Bros. Brawl
~Detroit: Become Human
~Cookie Run
~Animal Jam
~Rammstein (I STILL LOVE THEM)
~My own original stories (Adventures in Terra (a different Terra) and Sentient Showdown mainly, but also Beastly Sinners, The Power of Punnett, Undead Hiroshima, Thing World, Shooting Star Scandal, and Party Spy)
~The many crossover fanfictions I've thought about during those times, including:
~Mega Man x Warrior Cats
~Gravity Falls x Hotline Miami (also Hotline Miami x Gravity Falls)
Detroit: Become Human x Dark Souls
Mother Russia Bleeds x Five Nights at Freddy's
Cuphead x Terraria (and a bunch of mods!)
~Timmy XXX (a crackpot fanfic that my sister Alduinsecretfire and I are writing.... it's really something else)
~And many, many more that I'll just have to remember at some other date

Also here’s my TH: https://toyhou.se/Thisperson10

Sidenote: DMM will always be my home, and Mayor Chester will always be my mayor, but I’ll move from time to time.

Villagers 18

Comments 369

    • I got rid of it because it was just a test comment to compare different text sizes
      I took a picture of it; I could AirDrop it to you if you want (or just remake it)
      Also, my teacher let us out 2 minutes early and I’m
      So confused

    • Ah sorry man.
      I was on a bit of a hiatus. I've been okay. What about you?

    • God, I'll have to keep that in mind if I ever play MM again, I do own the games on Steam but I'm too lazy to install and play lmao

    • I was actually thinking of doing that, mostly because kids (and to an extent, I) have a better time understanding things if they don’t have to read massive walls of text
      And that’s and OOf

      My friends and I called him the Sandman bc of the way he is dkjfghdf I couldn't remember the actual name

      And it’s just a story I’m writing because I just got the idea spur-of-the-moment and now I’m STICKING WITH IT

    • H o w d a r e y o u s a y t h e c o u c h w a s u n c o m f o r t a b l e
      Also, I maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay or may not have created a story about a little black kitten getting lost in a huge city while trying to buy a soda
      And in the story he meets his (new) best friend, Rookie
      That’s all I have planned though, I’m working on more because oml this story is so fucking cute my god :ok_hand: :sob:

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