Viewing Pink_Lemosa's Profile

User ID: #137816
Username: Pink_Lemosa
Gender: Genderfluid
Last Online: 14 Feb 2020, 3:49 pm
Registered: 19 Jun 2019, 6:31 pm
Username: Pink_Lemosa
Gender: Genderfluid
Last Online: 14 Feb 2020, 3:49 pm
Registered: 19 Jun 2019, 6:31 pm

Profile description
Hey y'all! I love Animal Crossing, Pokemon, The Legend of Zelda, Red Dead Redemption 2, Monster Hunter, and WolfQuest! I write fanfiction/short stories sometimes. Please don't send me friend requests if we have never interacted.
I am vegan, pagan, panromantic, and asexual <3
Furvilla is my safe space. If I have you blocked on Twitter, it's nothing personal, I just prioritize SFW content on that site. It's nice to not have to worry about anti-LGBTQ and NSFW content here.
Status: I really hate furry twitter
My is Pink_Lemosa
My Twitter is Pink_Lemosa
Avatar drawn by jakory
CSS credit belongs to Pachoopi
Pusheen is a property of Clare Belton and Andrew Duff
Hey y'all! I love Animal Crossing, Pokemon, The Legend of Zelda, Red Dead Redemption 2, Monster Hunter, and WolfQuest! I write fanfiction/short stories sometimes. Please don't send me friend requests if we have never interacted.
I am vegan, pagan, panromantic, and asexual <3
Furvilla is my safe space. If I have you blocked on Twitter, it's nothing personal, I just prioritize SFW content on that site. It's nice to not have to worry about anti-LGBTQ and NSFW content here.
Status: I really hate furry twitter
My is Pink_Lemosa
My Twitter is Pink_Lemosa
Avatar drawn by jakory
CSS credit belongs to Pachoopi
Pusheen is a property of Clare Belton and Andrew Duff
Villagers 11
Gallery 7
Hope Plushie x1
Asexual Pride Button x1
Genderfluid Pride Button x1
Writer Button x1
Creston's Carving x1
Cowboy Kitty Plushie x1
Slice of Summer Button x1
I'm glad you like them! I'm perfectly fine with you putting them on toy house! Just credit me as candyiguana/basiltown ^^
I'm so glad you liked it! I'm glad I was able to do their pretty design at least a little bit of justice.
Actually, my boat's complete too, so I no longer need materials.
Sorry. I didn't realize you'd already completed your ship.
Thank you for the crocodile stone! It's so pretty <3
Thank you so much!
You're on your way to the next stage, huh? That's good. I've still got a way to go before I upgrade my raft.
Thanks for the trade.
he sure is! your sona is super cute btw (;
Darn, if I ever get Netflix I'll check it out