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Viewing RaptorFaust's Profile

User ID: #209377
Username: RaptorFaust
Gender: Unspecified
Last Online: 17 Jul 2024, 1:32 am
Registered: 29 Dec 2021, 4:52 pm

Profile description

Hi hi~!
I'm new here, but I already love this place (and all the villagers).

You can call me Faust, Reiro, or Alter, as I have many names lolol My fault for naming myself differently in every game

I'm a pretty awkward/shy person but I always love to talk, even if I'm bad at it. I enjoy watching anime and playing games, sometimes writing (although now I rarely write), other than that, sadly, I'm yet to find any other hobbies/activities.

Pretty obvious, but my favorite animals are dinosaurs, dragons, lizards, snakes, and birds on top of it. Of course, I like most of the animals but those have a special place in my heart hehe

Hope you have a good day~!

Villagers 11

Comments 35

    • :p No problem, glad you like them!

    • I can colour shift him to be lighter skinned with more blue tinted hair if you'd like! That would be fairly easy to do. :) And of course! Do whatever you'd like with the art, I'm glad you like it.

    • haha. ye~
      can totally be chulked up to an artstyle or what have you lol~ ^^
      i am still happy w/it myself as well~ pones are rlly fun ta'draw xD

    • of course!~
      i totally do not mind if anyone uploads my art w/proper credit haha
      the only thin that erks me is i think i may have drawn his waist too thin lol

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