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Viewing Sweet-jade's Profile

User ID: #23044
Username: Sweet-jade
Gender: Girl i guess
Last Online: 22 Jul 2024, 6:56 am
Registered: 2 Jul 2016, 11:29 am

Profile description

Hi. Call me Sweet


Got a whole lot of unrealistic expectations about myself, all reflected into my sona character of the same name. But i hope to reach a least 1/3 of these expectations as life goes on. As i will!

Tumblr: SuddenlyAlright

Villagers 18

Comments 8

    • Your characters are so adorable! Especially Sweet and Maryetta. ♡~♡

    • Thank you so much for the gifts ;v; <3

    • Thank you so much for the gifts!!! <3

    • Aww thank you so much for the gift ~ ♡♡

    • asdkfhskfh You are precious! I'm gonna put my new heart gem in my gallery! Thank you boo

    • Thank you so much for all those purchases! ♡

    • Thank you for your purchase~

    • Thank you for purchasing! <3

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