Viewing MomoThePandaBear's Profile

User ID: #53152
Username: MomoThePandaBear
Gender: Female
Last Online: 7 Jun 2023, 11:29 am
Registered: 5 Jul 2016, 4:17 pm
Username: MomoThePandaBear
Gender: Female
Last Online: 7 Jun 2023, 11:29 am
Registered: 5 Jul 2016, 4:17 pm

Profile description
Paintie Shoppe
Art Shoppe
Always check my stall, and if you are seeking any specific items which I can obtain locally, or craft, then don't hesitate to PM me. I will gladly sell to you, or negotiate a trade.

Don't be afraid to ask me a question :3
Paintie Shoppe
Art Shoppe
Always check my stall, and if you are seeking any specific items which I can obtain locally, or craft, then don't hesitate to PM me. I will gladly sell to you, or negotiate a trade.

Don't be afraid to ask me a question :3
Villagers 16
Gallery 9
Magic Feathered Dragon Plush x1
Magic Stormy Moth Plush x1
Magic Cloudy Owl Plush x1
Tomato Basil Hors D'oeuvre x1
Zucchini Slice Hors D'oeuvre x1
Salmon Paste Hors D'oeuvre x1
Magic Quetzalcoatl Snake Plush x1
Magic Dressy Mustelid Plush x1
Hey dude, are you ok with me reselling that pegleg sphinx I bought from you a while ago?
"Don't be afraid to ask me a question"
Okay, my question is,
Is that hamster okay? o:
Gotcha pal!! O:
I would love some FD or pets but you don't have to
It's fine, I want things but I don't really need anything. I just want people to be able to get the trophy if they can, after the great disappointment I had with getting the decorated snowpets I just want people to get the most out of the event :>
I Don't find it as appealing as it used to be. Nothing new and fun, and I feel that we have to buy FD, there's no other way to get FD besides that...
Anyways, thank you for thinking about me! c:
I did! I'm actually not that partial to wickers, but these three have just happened to be very much my aesthetic, I had to get them each! Ahaha, I suppose wickers must be growing on me. ^^;;
Thank you so much for the compliment on Howell! <3 <3
Of course! I'm so glad it was finally approved. *u* Thanks again for the lovely paintie!
Ohmigosh, thank you! X3 Gotta try a bit harder on getting myself encouraged. Yeah, art is pretty hard, but worth it in the end. :)