Viewing Dogstar's Profile

Profile description
If I've sent you a friend request, I hit the wrong button on mobile and it was an accident.
Hello there! Name's Dogstar, but you can call me anything you like. I sometimes do comissions, but mostly I enjoy drawing and writing my own characters. Thanks for dropping by.
• Current profile picture taken from Stardew Valley and edited by me, profile background made by me, signature gif from Depeche Mode - Enjoy the Silence, pride flags from here.
• I used to be Diam0ndUn1c0rn! Thanks to everyone who helped me save up for the name change! I finally managed to achieve it on the 14th April 2019.
• Thank you to all the anon fairies who've sent me a gift! I appreciate all of them!
•I may have trouble reading things in a pale/bright colour or with some CSS coding

By Kaenith, all pride dragons can be found here
I am agender, and I use he/she with no preference over they/them - though if you're not sure, I usually default to she/her. Please do not use neo pronouns (e.g. xey/xem) or noun pronouns (e.g. star/stars/starself) with me as these make me uncomfortable. More information on what I do and don't like available on my
Wishlist said:
Any and all sheep related items including minipets, plushies, morphing items etc.
Magic stickers, buttons, stones or stamps I don't yet have
Paintie Related


Any and all sheep related items including minipets, plushies, morphing items etc.
Magic stickers, buttons, stones or stamps I don't yet have
Paintie Related


Costumed Sheep Goals
Aquatic - Capricorn but sheep
Pirate -
Diver - North Ronaldsay
Angelic - St. Croix
Fairy - Valais Blacknose
Galaxy - Aries
Warrior - Argali
Steampunk - Lincoln Longwool
Royal - Royal White
Reaper -
Beast -
Spooky - Jacob's
Fluffy - Devon and Cornwall Longwool
Sorcerer - Border Leicester
Mythic - Chrysomallos
Blessed/Lion warrior - West African Dwarf
Feral - Suffolk Sheep
Classic Cartoon -
Graffiti -
Feast - Candyfloss
Yokai -
CSS by Reav
Villagers 26
Gallery 19
Aries Zodiac Plushie x1
Quetzal Friends Sheep Stone x1
Armoured Sheep Stone x8
Magic Princess Sheep Sticker x1
Princess Sheep Sticker x1
Magic Disguised Sticker x1
Disguised Sticker x1
Magic Ocean Waves Sheep Sticker x1
How do I make recipes? I bought one to try and help Blitz, they have frostbite, but how do I make the recipe?
You're most welcome ~
Mush is all yours, friend~ >w< Enjoy!
Aaa you're welcome! <3
Thank you! :)
Oh my gosh thank you so much!