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Viewing Dogstar's Profile

User ID: #77829
Username: Dogstar
Gender: Agender
Registered: 13 Dec 2016, 12:39 pm

Profile description

If I've sent you a friend request, I hit the wrong button on mobile and it was an accident.

Hello there! Name's Dogstar, but you can call me anything you like. I sometimes do comissions, but mostly I enjoy drawing and writing my own characters. Thanks for dropping by.

• Current profile picture taken from Stardew Valley and edited by me, profile background made by me, signature gif from Depeche Mode - Enjoy the Silence, pride flags from here.

• I used to be Diam0ndUn1c0rn! Thanks to everyone who helped me save up for the name change! I finally managed to achieve it on the 14th April 2019.

• Thank you to all the anon fairies who've sent me a gift! I appreciate all of them!

•I may have trouble reading things in a pale/bright colour or with some CSS coding

By Kaenith, all pride dragons can be found here
I am agender, and I use he/she with no preference over they/them - though if you're not sure, I usually default to she/her. Please do not use neo pronouns (e.g. xey/xem) or noun pronouns (e.g. star/stars/starself) with me as these make me uncomfortable. More information on what I do and don't like available on my Pronouns.page.

Wishlist said:
Any and all sheep related items including minipets, plushies, morphing items etc.

Magic stickers, buttons, stones or stamps I don't yet have

Paintie Related
641-paintie-ticket.png 1583-paintie-three-pack.png 1584-paintie-five-pack.png 1585-paintie-ten-pack.png

furcoins.gif furdollars.gif

Costumed Sheep Goals
Aquatic - Capricorn but sheep
Pirate -
Diver - North Ronaldsay
Angelic - St. Croix
Fairy - Valais Blacknose
Galaxy - Aries
Warrior - Argali
Steampunk - Lincoln Longwool
Royal - Royal White
Reaper -
Beast -
Spooky - Jacob's
Fluffy - Devon and Cornwall Longwool
Sorcerer - Border Leicester
Mythic - Chrysomallos
Blessed/Lion warrior - West African Dwarf
Feral - Suffolk Sheep
Classic Cartoon -
Graffiti -
Feast - Candyfloss
Yokai -

CSS by Reav

Villagers 26

Comments 37

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