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Viewing bananapls's Profile

User ID: #82398
Username: bananapls
Registered: 26 Dec 2016, 12:08 pm

Profile description

When Bae says my derpings are amusing~
((Sometimes when I'm basking in Creep 's labbu, I play FV on my laptop, just in case there's an IP flag~!))

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Oddbird Hatchy Egg by Koboldgolfing ~!

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Villagers 28

Comments 48

    • Of coouuurseee. <3 <3 MAKE EM BANG.

    • D: Tell your guts to be gentle to you!~

    • Bearururu? <3

    • I care about you and just hope that you're doing well. D: You're going through a lot right now, with medical stuff/getting sick/Steveroni and her pooperoni issues. ; w; I believe in you!~ I hope that work and your body are treating you right!!

    • No worries!~ ;w; Let me know if I can help you in any way!


    • Congrats!~ I keep finding them ;a;

    • Ahhhh thank you! You're very sweet! I always check the profit column for that green pic now ;v;

    • Of course! <3 I'm happy to help. ;u; If you ever need any more, I have two more close in durability to that, or I can repair your others too. <3

    • Nope nope, you're the cute nugget! <3 <3

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