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Map Exploit

Posted by Admin-Wisteria on 27 Aug 2017, 3:07 am


Maps have temporarily been disabled due to information about an existing exploit becoming public. They'll be enabled again once this issue has been resolved.

Maps are no longer marked as maps, but any maps you craft or had previously will still exist within your inventory. There is currently no estimated time for a fix.

Unfortunately, we have to take a harsh stance when it comes to intentional exploiting of mechanics like this. Thank you to people who reported the issue and simply moved on. People who may have accidentally used the exploit or otherwise simply done it once or twice out of curiosity need not worry, however. We'll be investigating on case-by-case basis. If you suspect another player of cheating, please report them using the standard report feature.

Update: You can no longer add plunder to your hoard from your inventory. You can still use the convert-all function.

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    • SugarHigh if you scroll back a bit in the comments here wisteria explained it

      either way, shout out to the people ruining everyones fun lol... good luck with the fix guys, hopefully its not too hard tovsetbright

    • Wait. what was the exploit? I'm confused

    • Thank you so much for letting us know. It's a real shame some have to ruin what's been a very fun event. Here's hoping there's a solution because I have a ton of maps I need to use for plunder c=

    • Admin-Wisteria

      Thank you for taking the time to reassure us, and for telling us what the exploit was. So many sites put a 'do not talk' about things like that and it only causes problems. Those who are afraid they used it (and might be punished) start panicking. All sorts of rumors tend to fly around.

      I have noticed that with certain maps (have no clue which ones as I never paid attention) I actually LOST 5 explore turns, never noticed that we got explore turns.

      I am also glad that this is being worked on, I am one who sometimes will open the inventory items in another tab to use them as it is less to refresh. (I never opened one item in multiple tabs) so I would have been one who could have accidentally used the exploit.

    • What happened in the comment section?

    • Thank you Admin-Wisteria, hopefully it is indeed fixed sooner rather than later. I just hope to have enough time to get the few items and pets I really want :] Thank you for all your hard work you guys do o/

    • Sparkleunidog

      It's far from ideal, and I'll do what I can to smooth things over. I had known about the bug prior, but what caused this reaction was a certain player making the information public. I had hoped to quietly fix it. If need be, we'll extend the event slightly, but I'm hoping this should be resolved quickly.


      The statues were accidentally left out of the "convert to all" plunder as they did not have the correct plunder point value assigned at the time. This should hopefully be fixed with the above issue.

    • #they said they would extend event time if the fix takes to long to do. :]

    • well that's just great, I'm supposed to get 1075 PP before the event ends >> (you guys just couldn't make the liodon permanent could you?) and maps are my only source of PP as I gave up on upgrading my boat in favor of PP so I could get all the things I wanted to get. >> I'm going to be super salty if they don't add another extension to it